Page 23 of Save Me

Chapter 11

Andie uncrossedher arms and sank deeper into the couch, fingering the fine cloth underneath her. She had been sitting in the lobby of the Caislean 21 for over an hour and was starting to feel stupid.

Across the hall the security guard walked past her, giving her a hard glance. He’d been doing that a lot since she came in and realized Eric wasn’t there. He was at the club working and probably wouldn’t arrive till dawn. But she had no cash for a cab and was too stubborn to get up and leave. Not to mention, the bus didn’t stop anywhere near here.

The Caislean 21 only had twenty-one guest suites. It was incredibly exclusive.

Eric must be doing pretty well to stay here.According to rumor, the hotel frequently turned away celebrities.

She stared at her hands self-consciously, feeling distinctly out of place in the chic interior of the lobby.


Andie blinked, startled to find a man holding a tray next to her. There was an ornately finished glass holding a golden brown drink.

“Is that—”

“A sidecar,” he finished. “Calen thought you would like it.”

Her mouth dropped open and she searched the lobby for the imposing figure of her boss.

Former boss—who apparently knows my drink preferences. Sidecars were what she always drank after her shift ended at the club.

“It’s okay. Calen went upstairs. His wife needed him.”

“Oh.” She stared at the man holding out the drink. He was young, a few years shy of thirty, and very handsome.

“Our bartender does a good job on these, I promise.”

The stranger must work for the hotel, she decided, tentatively reaching out to take the drink. When she did he gave her a big grin.

“I’m waiting for someone,” she explained, wondering if he was going to hit on her. He looked a bit familiar. Had she seen him at the club?

“I know,” the stranger said, continuing to give her a bright charming smile. “And I decided to give him a little break by liquoring you up first.”

Andie blinked at him. “Excuse me?”

“The person you’re waiting for is in for it,” the man laughed. “Calen suggested you might be here to say thank you for a favor, but I know that look on your face. It’s the same one my sister gets when her husband is about to be read the riot act. I thought I’d help the poor shmuck out with a little liquid relaxer.”

Andie narrowed her eyes, but the man continued to smile until she almost felt like smiling back. Slowly she lifted it to her lips and took a sip.

“If you need another, let me know.”

With that, the stranger left her sitting there alone and confused. But she finished the cocktail. A good sidecar was not in her budget these days. Who knew when she’d be able to afford one again? She continued to study the now-empty glass until a uniformed waitress came and brought her a second one. Then she drank that one too.

“Wake up.”

Andie started when someone shook her. The brown-haired man was bending over her. He stood back and gestured with a tilt of his head.

Eric was hurrying past the lobby and climbing into the elevator. The door closed before she got to her feet.

“I’ll have to walk you past security,” the man said.

“Oh, thank you.”

She only saw one security guard, but he wasn’t giving her the evil eye anymore. Not with this man at her side.

“Hi Tom,” her helper said. “This young lady is headed to the guest suites.”