Please don’t let her die, Eric prayed.
“The EMTs are here,” Mike said before his voice rose to address the other men. “It’s okay. He’s a doctor. Stand back.”
The paramedics shuffled to one side while Eric prep’d a second dose of Narcan. He injected the drug in Andie’s other shoulder and held his breath, willing her to start breathing again.
She didn’t move, but Eric didn’t stop his ministrations. His rhythmic pattern was determined and textbook perfect. He wasn’t going to stop, not ever.
Somewhere behind him, the EMT’s shuffled. “Should we call it?”
“Don’t even think about it,” Mike growled, shooting them his most intimidating death stare.
One of the EMTs actually hid behind the other one…but Mike was starting to look doubtful himself. It was all over his face—Andie wasn’t going to wake up.
“Yes, she is,” he growled aloud defiantly. But inside Eric was cold to his core.
His hands were ice as they pushed up and down on his wife’s chest. He didn’t let himself think or feel anything. He couldn’t or he would break down. If he did, he would definitely lose her.
An excruciating minute passed before there was some sign. As he lifted his lips from hers, Andie inhaled with a gasp. His may have been louder.
Eric’s eyes burned as he coughed and inhaled in large gulps as if he had been the one who hadn’t been breathing. Tears stung at his eyes as Andie’s lids fluttered and finally opened.
“Eric?” she whispered, looking around in confusion at him and the other assembled men.
That was when he let himself cry.