Andie didn’t turn to him. She kept her eyes on the gun.
Juliet pursed her lips. She was so quiet Andie’s heartbeat picked up. Sweat trickled down her spine as she waited for an answer.
“So you married the doctor?” Juliet asked.
“Yes,” she whispered, showing her the ring. Behind her Todd shuffled, but she ignored him.
“And he’s friends with Calen McLachlan.” Juliet bit her lip.
“Also some other billionaires apparently. I met one the other day,” she added, hoping it would convince her former friend to let her go. She wasn’t a nobody anymore. Someone loved her—and in a stroke of blind luck that man had some serious connections.
“Then this is going to be even worse than I thought,” Juliet muttered.
Andie swallowed hard. “What does that mean?”
Juliet shook her head, an expression of sympathy in her eyes. “It means it’s already too late. I work independently here, but I’m part of a network. And when this shithead forced my lock, the silent alarm I had installed went off. I called in an alert. Two enforcers are on their way. My intention was just to teach Todd a lesson. We need him to keep working the bar. But your presence here complicates things.”
Andie didn’t like the sound of that. She liked it even less when those enforcers showed up a few minutes later.
Juliet had motioned both her and Todd to sit on the couch. She was waiting there when two men came in. Like the bouncers at the club, they were massive, but unlike Mike and the other security guys at work these men looked dangerous…evil.
Her stomach hurt when one of them kept staring at her like she was a piece of meat. He licked his lips and she fought the urge to vomit.
Juliet pulled the men aside. They had a whispered conversation, stopping to glance up at her and Todd on occasion.
“I did this for you, pushing that shit,” Todd said quietly as he sat next to her on the couch. “And then you go and marry that asshole.”
Andie clenched her fist, momentarily distracted from her fear. “Eric’s not an asshole. And no one told you to break the law for me. It wasn’t worth it.”
Todd snorted. “You got that right.”
Andie wanted to turn and punch him in the face, but she had enough to worry about. Motionless, she waited for the conference deciding her fate to be over.
“You,” one of the men said, pointing at Todd. “Come with me.”
Todd shuffled to his feet, moving slowly toward the door. A few steps away he paused and turned back to her. “You should have just taken me back instead of marrying that fucking Jap or whatever he is.”
Unbelievable. Andie wanted to laugh in his face, but she suspected if she started, she would never stop. A little hysterical bubble escaped anyway.
“He’s a much better fuck,” she said, with a choked laugh as tears began to fill her eyes. “Like ten thousand times better than you. Most men are, though,” she added from between set lips.
If these were going to be her last words to him, or to anyone, she wanted to make them count. There would be no pleading or begging from her.
The killer near the door snorted, but Todd’s face crumpled. He turned to Juliet. “Andie can dump the doc and go to work for you. Imagine how much more money you would make with both of you delivering your shit.”
Andie’s throat tightened, and she regretted being so harsh to him. Todd may have been a shit boyfriend but he did care about her in his way.
Unfortunately, his appeal didn’t work.
“I wish that was a possibility, but Eric Tam won’t understand if she wants to end things with him to return work at the club.” Juliet turned to Andie. “I’m right, aren’t I? Your doctor won’t go away this time. Not now that you’ve married him.”
Andie didn’t say anything. She didn’t have to. Juliet was so much smarter and ruthless than she had realized.
“Get him out of here.”
The guy at the door shoved Todd again, hard. Before she knew it they were gone and she was alone with Juliet and the second killer.
Andie focused on her knotted hands. If she looked up at them she was going to break down, and no matter what happened next, she wasn’t going to show weakness.