Chapter 14
Hours later,after several sex-fueled hours and a leisurely and titillating shower, they had dinner at the Caislean 21’s superb restaurant. It was the finest meal Andie had ever had—a scallop and lobster appetizer and a French style hachisparmentier made with duck confit liberally sprinkled with foie gras and topped with the most buttery potatoes she’d ever tasted.
“It’s a good thing we’re having tons of sex or you’d have to roll me to the front doors by the time we check out.”
“Well, I hope that’s not anytime soon,” a smooth voice interjected. “But if it comes to that, we have a full gym and lap pool in the basement.”
Startled, Andie looked up. Blood rushed to her cheeks, and she stared mortified at the hotel’s owner, Patrick.
“Trick!” Eric was on his feet. The two men embraced, slapping each other on the back the way macho men always did when they wanted to show affection without looking girly.
“How are you? How is married life?” The handsome brown-haired man held Eric at arm’s length, a big grin on his face.
Andie didn’t hear what Eric said in response. She was too busy dying of mortification.
“I have to leave for the club soon,” Eric was saying when she was able to focus on their conversation again.
“Don’t worry about that. Calen’s got you covered—at least for the next couple of days. He told me as he was leaving.”
Eric’s face darkened. “Oh. Was it Maia? She insisted on going home?”
Trick’s face was sober. “Yes, she did. A PI she hired thinks she has another lead.”
“A viable one?” Eric asked.
The other man shrugged. “As good as all the others. Lots of women fit that description unfortunately.” A flash of guilt passed over his face, and a hazy memory from last night rose. Someone was missing—a woman Eric had never met.
“I wish there was more I could do,” Trick was saying, “but I have my own missing person case in a way.”
He didn’t sound upset, just frustrated.
“Really?” Eric sounded intrigued.
“Yeah, I’m just making the rounds at the casinos, looking for someone I played once. You’re not the only rematch I’m itching for.” The tone was jovial, but something flickered in Patrick’s eyes.
Recovered from her embarrassment, Andie smiled wickedly. “Let me guess. This rematch you’re looking for is with a woman.”
Trick hesitated, then grinned. He turned to Eric. “It’s really too bad you don’t play anymore. This one has good instincts. I bet she would have been a hell of a cardsharp.”
Andie laughed. “What makes you think I’m not now? I did grow up here.”
She was exaggerating, of course. But she was no slouch either. Growing up in this town meant she’d played enough hands to be a passable poker player.
Both men laughed before Eric nudged Trick. “So who is this woman? Anyone I might have met on the circuit? What’s her name?”
Trick’s expression shifted, his eyes widening. “That’s a good question. I didn’t exactly get a name, not one that gets me anywhere . Did you ever play a beautiful brunette, about this tall? She would have kicked your ass,” he added, drawing a line in the air just above his shoulder to illustrate her height.
Eric’s chin lifted a notch as if he was searching his memory. “There was that Japanese girl from San Diego. She was a pretty good player if I recall.”
“No, that’s not her. The girl I’m looking for isn’t Asian. Her skin was a bit tan, but I don’t think it’s from the sun. She could have been white or Hispanic, but her eyes were blue.”
Her husband shrugged. “Doesn’t sound familiar. But I’ve been out of the game quite a while.”
Trick clucked his tongue. “Well, it was a longshot anyway. Anyone you know from the tables, I would probably know by now too.” He glanced down at their mostly finished meals. “I actually need to get going, and you need to try the chocolate mousse for desert. It’s the house specialty. I took the liberty of pre-ordering it for you on the off chance you’d want to try it, but if you’re not a fan of chocolate, then I’m sure someone else will—”
Andie held up a hand. “I’m going to stop you right there. I want that mousse, and I want it now.”
Eric laughed. “Well, you heard the lady. But I’m going to ask that it be delivered to our room.”