“I’ll get you another one,” he said, pulling her close to kiss her forehead.
Andie smacked him on the arm. “Don’t even suggest it. This is my ring we’re talking about. It’s literally the most precious thing I will ever wear. I can’t lose it.”
He laughed. “Then never take it off. That way you don’t have to worry about losing it.”
“Well, I have to take it off to shower, don’t I?” She frowned at the sparkling blue stone. Just thinking about wearing it grocery shopping or while she was working made her nervous.
Eric tapped the stone. “Why? It won’t melt, trust me.”
She wrinkled her nose and gave him another half-hearted smack before curling up against him. “Very funny. I know what rings like this cost. I’ve seen lots of girls in the club showing these off, and I’ve heard their men bragging about how much they spent on them—more than I make in a year sometimes. And mine is more beautiful and bigger than any of those. What if something happens to it?”
Andie had never possessed anything so expensive and she’d never expected to. Now that she did, she was starting to become concerned. How did a normal person take care of something like this?
Eric read her expression. He passed a hand over her hair. “When it gets nicked or scratched—and it probably will, that’s inevitable—this ring will be even more valuable. At least it will to me. Because every tiny flaw or imperfection means one more memory, more time we’ve been together as man and wife.”
He took her hand and raised the ring to his lips. “So let it get dinged. Let its brilliance dim. It means we’ll have been married for years and years.”
Andie blinked rapidly. Her throat was tight. “You always say the right thing. I’ve always hated that about you.”
He laughed, hugging her tight as he rolled until he was pinning her down to the bed. “I’ve been fantasizing about this day on and off for the past two years. I intend to set a record for the most insanely hot sex-filled honeymoon known to man. Are you with me?”
She wrapped her arms around him. “Hell, yes.”