That white lie eased Andie. Her frown evaporated and she pressed her cheek against his chest. “It was an empty relationship.”
“Most of them are. We’re lucky. And now you can tell me I’m the best lover you’ve ever had and I’ll believe you because you’ve finally been with someone other than me.”
Andie turned wide eyes to his. “You knew I was a virgin back then?”
“Of course I did. I am a doctor. Plus, I did a gynecology rotation.”
She hid her head under the pillow. “I am so embarrassed.”
“Why? It was sweet that you wanted me as your first. I knew then we had something special. I’m just sorry I was too much of a mess to make this work two years ago.”
He pulled the pillow off of her head. “Why don’t we have some champagne before all the ice melts?”
“Okay,” she agreed, giving him a weak smile.
He stood and reached for the bottle, noticing a note taped to it for the first time. He opened it and read it, laughing a little when he saw who it was from.
“What is it? Did the concierge make a shotgun wedding joke?”
“No. It’s actually from my friend Patrick. He must be here at the hotel and he’s the one who chose your dress and ring. Had a lot of fun doing it too apparently—although he had help from his sister and her best friend, Peyton. He sent them pictures and they voted, so you can thank them for the gown and ring later.”
Andie paused, admiring her sparkling ring. “I’ll have to do something really big to say thank you. Maybe name our firstborn after one of them or let them garner my wages.” She sat up and accepted a glass of champagne and one of the strawberries. Nibbling, her brows drew together. “Is Patrick called Trick sometimes?”
“Yes. Trick Tyler. Why?”
“I met him downstairs. He gave me a drink.”
“Did he?” Eric asked with a scowl.
“Not to flirt,” she assured him. “He knew I was waiting for you. Calen McLachlan pointed me out to him. Mr. Tyler thought you’d be better off if I had a few before I saw you.”
He laughed. “I will have to thank him later.”
“I thought it was weird until I realized he was your friend. I thought he was the concierge at first.”
“Actually, he owns the hotel. He and his brother Liam.”
The expression on her face was priceless.
“The Tyler brothers own the Caislean chain,” he explained. “They are good friends with Calen.”
She nodded. “So that’s how you know them.”
He sat on the bed. “Well, technically I met Patrick before when I was gambling. He’s a killer at the poker tables. I only got lucky once—the last time we played. To be honest I couldn’t call him a friend back then, but we’ve spent more time together since I went to work for Calen. Now I think we are pretty close. We even share the same birthday.”
“He did mention something about a rematch he’s never going to get. I hope he’s not pushing you to gamble again.”
“Oh no, he’s very supportive. Just likes to tease. He’s a pretty nice guy for a billionaire. You’ll like him.”
Andie tilted her head to one side. “He gave me two sidecars on the house, so I already do. You’ve acquired some impressive friends since I saw you last.”
Eric leaned over her. “Nothing and no one made up for losing you.”
Tears glinted in the corner of her eyes. “You have me now.”
He nodded, a little too choked up to speak. “I do, don’t I?” he rasped.
One fine dark brow went up. “So what are you waiting for?” she asked, wrapping one leg around him.
He didn’t need a second invitation.