Chapter 10
Eric walkedinto the security office of Lynx with his medical kit, blood dotting his sleeve in an ominous pattern.
“Hey, can I change in here?” he asked Trey. He kept an extra shirt in his kit.
Trey gestured for him to go ahead while checking something on the video monitor in front of him. “Girl all stitched up?”
“Yes, she’s fine. Just a clumsy drunk. She’s part of a bachelorette party.”
“She tell you why she wouldn’t go the hospital?”
“No insurance. But as long as she didn’t bleed out before I got here, I have no problem patching her up. What are you looking at?”
“New camera feeds. Got some in a few of the panels over the bar, installed from this floor. Mike didn’t even have to wait till the place was closed to install them. Man’s got skills…”
That was the second best news he’d had all day. The best had been getting Emma Delaney’s text telling him Andie was released with no charges.
“Are you zeroing in on Todd Kent as a suspect?”
“One of them, yes. But he’s not the only name on the list.” Trey turned as Eric pulled out his spare shirt and started to change. “So I hear you went to see Andie. She okay?”
“As well as can be expected,” he said, tugging on his shirt. “She got pulled in for questioning by the cops, but Delaney got her out.”
Trey leaned back. “I heard. But I meant was she okay seeing your sorry ass again? It was rough for her when you left.”
Eric stopped with his shirt half-open. “Did she tell you that?”
Trey huffed. “No man. I have eyes. On occasion I’ve been known to use them.”
A heat flash of embarrassment ran over his skin. “So you knew about us back then?”
A smile played around Trey’s lips. “You weren’t that slick. Andie was obviously in love with someone. It wasn’t hard to figure out who with…or where you went when the two of you would disappear. You’re lucky the storeroom wasn’t wired. We use it to store cleaning supplies now. No couch.”
Oh, shit.
Trey laughed at him. “You should see your face right now.”
Eric blinked several times. “Why didn’t you fire her?”
Trey shrugged. “It didn’t get in the way of her job. She only messed around when on break or off the clock. Some of the other waitresses have done far worse in those VIP rooms. Anything too public and I have to let them go, but I try to give them a warning first. Good help is hard to find. Especially when looking hot is a requirement.”
The manager was stretching the truth on that last part. Girls dropped in all the time trying to get an application to waitress at Lynx. It was the place to work, but Eric guessed certain allowances had to be made for a bit of bad behavior now and again in this town.
What happens in Vegas…
“Sorry,” he muttered.
“I’d say no problem, but it kind of was for a while after you left, for her. I know why you did it. Calen let something slip about your little problem a while back. I’m guessing you didn’t tell Andie, though, or she wouldn’t have taken you leaving so personally.”
Eric sat on the couch, his hands in his lap. “She wouldn’t let me explain after I got out of rehab.”
“You should have had the balls to tell her sooner.”
He groaned. “I know. I regret nothing more. Did you say anything to her?”
Had Andie known about his addiction before he told her?
Trey shook his head. “No, man. I found out way after and by then she seemed over it. Soon after she started dating Todd K. They seemed like an okay couple. No drama until recently.”