“You don’t have to do that. She’s my ex—my problem to deal with.”

She put her hand on her hips. “You mean like Richard ismyproblem, not yours.”

His head drew back. “That’s not the same thing at all.”

“And how is it different?”

He put his hands out in a supplicating gesture, but they were tensed so hard she could see the veins in them. “I have a bad feeling about him. I think he’s obsessed with you. He’s still trying to win you back. Or am I wrong? Tell me he hasn’t called or texted you more than once since I’ve been gone.”

She pressed her lips together and didn’t answer.

“See, he still isn’t willing to let go. Considering how long you’ve been broken up, not to mention the fact that you’re with me now, it’s unhealthy that he hasn’t given up yet.”

“He’s buying my father’s stuff—crap he’s welcome to. After that, I won’t hear from him.”

Gio laughed humorlessly, making her boiling mad.

“Hey,” she snapped, “where do you get off telling me what to do with my ex, when you won’t give me the same right with yours? If I have to get constantly lectured about Richard, I should have the same right to tell you what to do with Maria Gianna. It’s only fair.”

“But that's not the same thing. I don’t speak to my ex.”

She threw up her hands. “Except you just left town to go and see her!”

“Only to make sure she never came after you again!”

“Then you should have taken me with you. I would have had a hell of a time convincing her that would be a fucking stupid idea!”

Gio stared at her like she was some species he’d never seen before. A little piece of her knew she was being irrational. She certainly wasn’t explaining herself well. The subject of douchebag Richard wasn’t where she wanted to take a stand in their relationship. But she couldn’t let Gio decide how she should deal with her ex while he went off and did the exact opposite. He had to learn to trust her judgment and accept that they should both be held to the same standards.

Inhaling deeply, she went for her coat. “I’m going to go home and sleep there tonight.”

Gio’s face fell. “Sophia, don’t leave.”

She paused at the door. “Look, I know I don’t get to tell you how to deal with the people in your life. But you don’t get to dictate those things to me, either.”

He followed her to the door. “I’m just concerned because I love you!”

“Yeah, well, I love you, too!” she yelled back before slamming the door in his face.

Chapter 22

Sophia stormed out of Gio’s high-rise in her brand new heels. Her fury lasted all through the trip across town and up the three flights of stairs to her apartment. She yanked off her dress and threw her shoes across the room with a satisfying hard kick.

She’d most likely be on her hands and knees checking them for scuffs later because she suspected the red soles meant they were Louboutins. She should have checked before she tossed them.

Kelly had taken a good look at her wardrobe and pointed out the luxury labels. Gavin had clearly been ordered to buy her designer clothes and not tell her what they actually cost. Or he’d found the mother of all trunk sales.

Irritated with herself, and even more annoyed with Gio, she jumped in the shower, washing off her makeup with extra rough scrubbing.

After that, she turned off her cell phone and took a very large glass of wine to bed to re-watch “The Holiday” on her computer for the twentieth time.

She woke up the next day a great deal calmer. After making herself coffee, she puttered around her apartment in her flannel pajamas, studiously pretending her cell phone didn’t exist. She needed a little more time before she talked to Gio.

Forgiving him wasn’t a question. It was a matter of when. However, her stubborn streak wanted to make him stew a little. It hadn’t been terribly mature of her to walk out, but she couldn’t let him dictate to her the terms of her relationships. Elynn was right. She needed to set limits now, or he’d walk all over her.

She sat on the couch and hugged a pillow to her middle before picking up her mug and looking around. Her coffee table was dusty. It had been a while since she stayed here. And damnit—it felt tiny after Gio’s palatial penthouse.

Her apartment had always been her haven. Every piece of furniture, every picture and knickknack had been chosen with relaxation in mind. It was a cozy space, comfortable while still being orderly and neat. She was extremely attached to each and every item in the place. But as soon as Gio rolled into town with his deluxe apartment in the sky, she hadn’t looked back.