“Don’t look so fucking relieved, you bitch. I don’t need proof to ruin your life.”

“I haven’t done anything wrong,” she said, her mouth twisted in a petulant frown.

“Save it. I know you did it, and it was the last straw. You can smear me all you want but the second you went after Sophia, I was done. You’ve had all the chances you’re going to get with me,” he hissed, his blood pumping hot through his veins.

“I don’t want another chance with you,” she said smugly. “You’re far too dull for me. Vinny is so much more exciting.”

Gio’s eyes narrowed on her thin sallow face. What had he ever seen in her?

“You misunderstand me. I wouldn’t touch you with a ten-foot pole. What I mean is that I’ll ruin whatever is left of your reputation—the way you tried to ruin mine. Don’t forget the Morgese bank has ties to every major industry in Italy and most of Europe. One word from me and all those silly endorsements you receive from fashion designers and clubs will disappear. And forget about any future movie roles. No one will touch you ifIsay they shouldn’t.”

He drew himself up, looking down on them with the distaste he felt all over his face. “You’d still be able to live like a parasite off your father, of course, but make no mistake. I have men watching you now. They will continue to watch you wherever you go—whatever you do. Anything illegal and I turn their surveillance over to the authorities.”

Her face was ashen pale. “You wouldn’t do that.”

“Try me.”

She stood up then while Vincenzo watched, his head swinging back and forth between them like a spectator at a tennis game.

Maria Gianna’s face twisted. “All this forher, that fat slut! You’re willing to make my life a living hell, but you wouldn’t lift a finger to fight for me.”

“Why the hell would I fight to keep a faithlesswhore?”

The venom in his voice hit her like a physical slap. She shrank away from him, backing away until her legs hit the edge of the bed.

“And don’t call Sophia names unless you want the shitstorm to start now. Sophia’s ten times the woman you are.”

Maria Giana turned away with a smirk. “Literally,” she muttered.

Gio took another step closer, then another, until she had to sit to avoid bumping into him. He stared her down with a glare hot enough to burn.

“Don’t test me. I’m done looking the other way to protect your father.” He turned his black expression to Vincenzo. “And don’t think you’re getting off the hook. As of Friday, you no longer have a platform to print your filth.”

“What does that mean?” Vincenzo asked, sweat beading on his forehead.

“It means I bought theGavazzinewspapers.”

Maria Gianna stood back up, her face flushed red now. “You can’t do that!”

“It’s already done.”

“Even you don’t have that kind of money,” she sneered. “The Gavazzi group is a media empire.”

“You’re kidding,” he scoffed. “Old media is dead. Newspapers and magazines are closing all over the world. I bought the lot for a song.”

“Papa sold you everything?” Vincenzo looked like he was going to be sick..

Gio didn’t bother to answer. He turned away and headed for the door.

“Giancarlo, wait!” Vincenzo caught up with him at the door, hastily wrapping a sheet around himself. “I didn’t know about the girl. I saw Maria Gianna talking with Lucca that night and buying him drinks, but I didn’t hear her say anything to him about your new woman. I had to fly out to New York the next day for a meeting the next day so I took off early. “

He stopped and looked back at Maria Gianna sitting on the bed. “You don’t think she would actually do something like that, do you?” he asked in a low voice.

Pausing, Gio took a good hard look at his former friend. There were new lines on his face that hadn’t been there only two years before. His skin was ruddier and the whites of his eyes had yellowed. Being Maria Gianna’s yes-man had taken its toll.

“Do yourself a favor and get away from her now, before there’s nothing of the old Vinny left,” he said, his heart heavy with old memories. They had been good friends once.

Vincenzo looked down, unable to meet his eyes. Gio opened the door. Enzo was waiting outside.