Gio bit his lip to stop a smile and pulled back, his spent cock slipping out of her.

“We can discuss it later, after a shower, butbella miaI want you to know it doesn’t compare to taking your tight little pussy.”

She laughed and shook her head. “Your friends think you’re so straight and proper. They have no idea how dirty you are, do they?”

He bent to nip her nose. “Our secret,” he whispered, tugging her up and leading her to the shower.

Chapter 20

Days passed in a haze of sexual bliss.

There wasn’t a repeat of the anal intercourse that blew both of their minds. Although Sophia had enjoyed the prelude and had loved the end, that middle part had been difficult for her. A man Gio’s size couldn’t be taken casually, and he admitted afterward that, while it had been good for him, it wasn’t as good as he’d always imagined.

“Hadn’t you done that before?” she asked, surprised, at breakfast one morning when they finally got around to talking about it.

“No, you’re the first. Like I was your first,” he said with a trace of smugness.

She narrowed her eyes at him. “Yeah, well, I think we’re going to save that particular act for special occasions. Like your birthday. When is your birthday by the way?”

“It just passed.”

“Perfect!” she cried out, raising her hands over her head in a V for victory.

He laughed so hard he spit eggs all over himself and had to change before leaving for work.

Gio didn’t seem to mind letting her dictate hard limits in the bedroom. He was happy to resume their sex life in whatever form she chose—and he performed with an enthusiasm that left her sated and exhausted every night. They made love everywhere in that penthouse, preferring to stay in unless Alex managed to coax them out to dinner or Sunday brunch at his gargantuan estate.

Being around people with money was a surprise. Despite being what could be safely classified as obscenely wealthy, both Gio and Alex were kind and considerate men whose primary focus was their family. It was simply that being a part of their family meant being surrounded by luxury—mansions, penthouses, and town cars. Not to mention the bodyguards.

Sophia was becoming increasingly certain that Gio wanted to build a family with her. He’d begun to drop hints about marriage and children, and even asked if she would be willing to relocate to Rome after her research project with Alan ended.

Crazy as it was, Sophia was actually considering relocating—enough to start looking up details on research labs over there. Whatever she decided, it would have to have to wait a few years until a move was practical. And she probably wouldn’t be spending those years alone. All of Gio’s hints about the future made it seem like he was planning on sticking close by. At least, she hoped it did.

But she was reluctant to ask him if he was thinking of moving to Oxford, or if he planned on them having a long distance relationship.

Though she was willing to do long-distance if she had to, she wanted Gio to make this city his home base. To a billionaire with his own jet and access to a helicopter, the distance between Rome and Oxford was small, but she would miss coming home to him every night. Not to mention waking up with him every morning.

If it came down to it, she knew she had allies in Alex and Elynn. They could lobby Gio to relocate with her if the need arose. In fact, Alex had already taken her aside to say as much at brunch last Sunday—after acknowledging that he didn’t think Gio would need any convincing. All Sophia had to do was ask. And she would…in a few days. Or next week…

It wasn’t that she was afraid to talk to him. It was just that things were going so well, she didn’t want reality to intrude on her happy new relationship bubble. And the likelihood was Gio would be going back to Rome. He had an empire to run.

Unfortunately, her bubble was burst prematurely the day Gio disappeared leaving behind a note with a single line.

I found my ex-wife, and I’m going after her.


“Are you sure this is the place?” Gio asked his security chief as they arrived in front of the hotel.

Enzo nodded. “They’re here. They checked in yesterday and closed down the bar last night. The key card data indicates they haven’t left their suite since. Probably too hung over.”

Gio snorted. “Not exactly laying low, are they?”

“Well, unfortunately, we can’t prove they’ve broken any laws so they know the authorities aren’t after them. And, honestly, they're not expecting you to come busting down their door.”

His fist tightened. “I know. That’s the problem. Maria Gianna is used to living in a world without consequences and she thinks I’m a fucking pushover.”

Enzo’s lip curled. “I don’t think she’s gonna believe that after this,” he muttered.