Gio’s cock teased her pussy, rimming her entrance before pushing inside her.
It was tight, so much tighter than before. His cock barely fit inside her normally, but with the plug she was at her limit. He started to move, instantly transporting her into another place, one where that delicious slippery friction was the center of her world.
She thought there was no way it could get better, and then it did. Gio’s thick cock plundered her pussy hard and rough, the way she liked it, but his hand was gentle, moving the plug back and forth—fucking her in both holes.
Involuntary little cries escaped her as she went into sensory overload. This time, she couldn’t help by gripping or fluttering her inner muscles. The best she could do was hold on while Gio took complete possession of her body.
Sophia had never felt so vulnerable. She had ceded control over herself to another person and it was devastating. It would have been impossible to do this with anyone else. But this was Gio, and she was as captivated with him as he was with her. And she wanted to give him everything.
It took her a minute to register that he was speaking to her, murmuring hot dirty words in both English and Italian. As he urged her with his hands and speech, she rocked back into him, impaling herself on his cock and the probe until she was at the edge. Vision hazy, she rode the line of pain and pleasure. One of his hands slipped from her hip to her clit, teasing and pinching until she screamed, the violent contractions of her orgasm obliterating her senses.
When she came to, she was resting on her side on top of one of Gio’s arms. He was hugging her to him with his left arm, pressing her to his chest. The plug was gone, and in its place was the heated head of his cock.
Despite their preparation, Sophia was having a hard time accommodating him back there. Gasping, she grabbed his left hand with both of hers, leaving his right free to guide his staff, feeding it into her inch by inch.
The pain wasn’t unexpected, but she hadn’t anticipated its sharpness. It cleared the haze of the alcohol and she was suddenly sober, holding tight to Gio’s hand as she whimpered, bucking despite her intention to stay still.
Both of Gio’s arms wrapped around her. “I’m almost there,cara, just a little more,” he said, pushing forward a few millimeters. “Relax and push back.”
Digging her nails into his hand, she sobbed and shifted, doing as he asked. It was a little better, but still not good. She was going to ask him to stop when he pressed home, his thighs meeting hers. Somehow he’d managed to fit all of himself in.
“Holy shit,” she breathed.
“Do you want me to stop?”
“Of course I do, don’t ask stupid questions,” she said, half-laughing, with a little wince.
“I’m sorry,cara, I’ll stop,” he said, his voice threaded with disappointment.
She smacked his hand with one of hers. “No, you’ve gotten this far and I’m still a little buzzed. I want you to keep going, ’cause this is the only time we’re going to do this.”
Gio laughed and stroked her hip. “I’d rather stop if I’m hurting you, but I do have something that might help.”
He reached over and picked something up, holding it in front of her. It looked like an oversized vitamin capsule with a little loop of string at one end.
“What is that?”
“It’s called a vibrating egg. Did you know these can be controlled by your phone now?”
“No,” she giggled, obliging him by parting her legs as he touched it to her pussy, running its smooth surface in a circle over her slit and entrance.
He pushed it inside and she closed her eyes. A few seconds later and it started vibrating.
“Shit!Oh, God.”
The crazy little device sent her already over-stimulated body into instant orgasm. She bucked wildly, so much that Gio had to hold her down, taking advantage of her reaction to add a little lube to the base of his cock and begin thrusting.
The cold gel quickly warmed as he pinned her to the bed. Helpless in his arms, she strained against him as he fucked her ass with quick short strokes.
She was holding on, but only just. She was too full, her nerve endings screaming. Behind her, Gio’s breath grew shallow and rapid. His palm pressed against her clit hard, and he growled, swelling and coming with a hoarse grunt. The continued vibration inside her pussy, combined with the action of his grinding palm sparked another orgasm. The stormy surge of pleasure built up, spilling over in a blinding rush that left her weak and boneless.
“Cavolo,” Gio swore, collapsing next to her.
She laughed. “Not sure what that means, but I second it.”
He didn’t answer for a minute, but when he did he sounded hoarse. “Does that mean you’d be willing to reconsider doing this again?
“It is entirely too soon for this conversation considering you arestillin my ass,” she said, twisting to try and smirk at him over her shoulder.