“There’s no reason you have to do it in person,” Eva said as if it was the most reasonable thing in the world. “One of Sergei’s subsidiaries makes drones. We can have one rigged up to follow that skank around and dive bomb her in the face.”

Sophia was tipsy enough to giggle. “Tempting. Let me get back to you on that.”

The others laughed and the conversation veered away from Gio’s ex to the man himself.

“I can’t believe he’s being so aggressive,” Elynn said. “He was over telling Alex all about Rome—or rather yelling about it. I’ve never heard him raise his voice before. He’s usually so sedate and proper. I never expected to see him so angry.”

Sophia, several drinks in by now, swallowed a large sip of mojito and held up a hand. “Seriously? The man has afilthytemper.”

Three pairs of wide eyes stared at her in collective surprise.

“No way,” Maia said. “He’s always been the calm center of the group. Almost zen, if you can describe a compulsive organizer as zen.”

Sophia guffawed. “Zen my big Mexican butt! Did I tell you how he threw my cell phone in the street cause my ex texted me? If I even mention Richard’s name it turns into an argument.”

Maia’s mouth dropped open.

“Hefightswith you?” Elynn asked in disbelief.

“All the time. Well, not all the time. It’s usually only the subject of Richard which makes him go ballistic. And now this thing with his cousin. But mostly it’s my ex-fiance.”

Wide-eyed Maia thumped the table. “Oh, my God! He loves you.”

Sophia shook her head. “That’s what Gio says, but he doesn’t. It’s really this weird hero worship Richard had for my father—”

“No, no! I meant Gio,” Maia said waving a little over-enthusiastically and spilling a bit of mojito.

“Because they fight?” Eva asked, sounding as confused as Sophia felt.

“Yes! She’s right,” Elynn said, pointing at Maia and nodding. “Gio never fought with Maria Gianna. He didn’t even throw a punch at that guy she was in bed with. He didn’t care enough.”

Sophia’s brows rose. “So he fights with me because he loves me?”

“Yes,” Maia and Elynn said at the same time.

Sophia couldn’t help it. She started laughing, but Eva cocked her head and seemed to think it over. “They’re right. Sergei says he’s never seen Gio behave this way about anyone before. The other three guys are loving it too. Probably because he’s starting to act more like them.”

“I’m not sure that’s a good thing,” Sophia said wryly, but inwardly she was pleased.

So Gio was different with her than in his previous relationships. That knowledge warmed her, inside and out. Of course, it could have been the rum, but she was still secretly delighted. It almost made the arguments with Gio worth it.

Not almost.They were totally worth it if he loved her.

“Is Gio moving here?” Elynn asked. “’Cause Alex would love that.”

Okay, there went her warm and fuzzy feeling.

“I don’t know,” she confessed. “We haven’t talked about it. I can’t possibly relocate. My research project just started. The whole lab would have to move and my research partner would never go for that.”

“Well, don’t worry about it,” Elynn said quickly. “Gio can fly out to the London office of his bank when necessary. Alex does it all the time.”

“Does he? Maybe they should carpool or heli-pool. Whatever you call sharing a helicopter ride,” Sophia muttered, remembering her one trip in the Eurocopter with distaste.

Her tongue was getting a little thick. She squinted at the bottom of her glass and poured a smaller refill.

Across from her, Eva smiled. “I think we should order some food.”

She waved a waiter over and ordered nachos and mozzarella sticks for the table. They had demolished most of them when another touchy subject came up.