She suddenly hated herself for assuming the same thing once upon a time.

“No. He runs the bank. He’s Gio Morgese, of the Morgese Foundation.”

Richard couldn’t hide his surprise. “The one that gave you your grant? Well, that’s…nice. I suppose you met at the awards dinner.”

It wasn’t a real question so she didn’t bother to correct him. In fact, she didn’t want to talk to him about Gio anymore.

As much as she wanted to rub her new relationship in Richard’s face, it felt wrong. What she had now was too precious to discuss with her ex. She had no desire to sully her bright and shiny new memories with Richard’s judgments.

“You should take Bernice to dinner,” she added blandly, flicking a crumb off her lap.

Across from her, Richard’s mouth tightened. “I told you that was nothing. She kissed me, not the other way around.”

“Sure she did. And you tripped and fell on her lips the second time.”


“I saw you kiss her twice. You kissed twice in your office.”


“My fault, really. I should have called ahead to let you know I was coming by for my keys. Although, I should add that having an affair with your teaching assistant is a little cliché. But you were my father’s protégé, so of course you learned from the best.”

“Really, Sophia. I explained that. And technically you had broken up with me the night before. Bernice was trying to console me—not that I wanted her to. I had to have a very uncomfortable talk with her afterward.”

He sounded genuinely aggrieved and hurt by her lack of trust. There had been a time when she would have felt guilty for doubting him. Richard had a way of doing that to a person. Everything he said sounded so reasonable and dignified that you forgot he was a condescending lying jerk.

Truthfully, she didn’t have proof that he cheated with Bernice. The only physical contact she’d witnessed between the two of them was post-breakup.Immediately post break-up. But she had her suspicions before. She’d let them go at the time, but now in hindsight sheknewhe had cheated.

“I remember your explanation,” she said. “I also remember saying I never wanted to see you again, but you wanted the house, so here I am.”

“What about the car?”

Count to ten. One…two…

“We can handle the car by email,” she said, trying not to sound as irritated as she felt.

He pursed his lips. “If you insist. But you should stop by your father’s house. I’ve been going through his study. I think there are some of your mother’s belongings in there.”

Perfect, just perfect. Couldn’t the universe cut her some slack? “If that’s the case, I want them.”

“So when would you like to stop by?”

Gritting her teeth, she silently conceded defeat. She didn’t want to go to her father’s house but what choice did she have now?

“I’ll get back to you. My plate’s a little full right at the moment.”

“Yes, it would appear so.”

Richard’s tone was distracted, and she realized he wasn’t looking at her anymore. Confused, she glanced over her shoulder through the plate glass window behind them.

A gorgeous Italian billionaire was standing on the sidewalk, staring at her possessively. His suit still appeared as crisp and clean as it had this morning, but then he always managed to stay neat and perfect. It would have been irritating if he wasn’t so hot.

“So that’s Gio Morgese. He looks very…sophisticated.” Richard’s tone implied just the opposite. “I didn’t realize he was going to be picking you up.”

Neither did I.

“He’s shorter in person, isn’t he?”