Her heart skipped a beat when he took hold of her hips and pulled until she was on her hands and knees on the bed. Withdrawing his hand, he moved behind her, stopping when he was only a hairsbreadth away. The heat from his body warmed her skin, but he wasn’t touching her—nothing but his cock. His thick naked shaft rubbed against her wet lips, slipping and teasing. The friction was just right.
The man always dideverythingjust right.
The anticipation had become excruciating. Her sheath was clamping down hungrily on nothing, silently begging to be filled.
“Please, please,” she begged shamelessly, pushing back against him.
She didn’t care where he put his cock, as long as he filled the aching emptiness inside of her. He made a pleased little growling sound and then he was there, pushing inside her tight pussy.
She gasped, clawing at his Egyptian cotton sheets.
“I thought—” she managed to say before he laughed.
He ran a loving hand over the smooth skin of her left cheek. “That’s the sort of thing you have to work up to,” he said, slowly working his member in and out of her in forceful strokes.
Of course, he was right. A man of his proportions could not be accommodated easily. She had read enough guilty-pleasure erotica to know it would take some preparation before they made the attempt.
And apparently we’re starting now, she thought as one of Gio’s fingers pushed passed the constricting ring of muscle of her back entrance. Her pussy reacted instantly, tightening like an anaconda around his thick cock. He made a strangled sound, and she giggled in response and did it again.
“Someone is being bad,” he muttered. “Which can only mean one thing…punishment.”
The spank from his free hand was a complete surprise. It was hard, startling her into jumping forward. It knocked the breath out of her and his cock nearly fell out. Taking hold of her hips he pulled her close again, sliding deep. Then he smacked her butt again until it was hot.
“Too hard?” He lovingly caressed the smarting skin.
“I don’t know!”
He hummed and gave her another little tap, softer this time. “Is that better?”
It was. God, she could feel herself getting wetter—if that was possible. Then the finger in her backside twisted around and she cried out, pushing back blindly.
“Guess thatisbetter,” he said.
“Yes,” she breathed hoarsely.
She pushed back again, trying to encourage him to keep moving but he was too distracted by her ass to do anything. He kept stroking her skin, rubbing and kneading while he thrust like the consummate multitasker that he was.
Bracing herself against the mattress, she moaned shamelessly while he pumped inside her, working that naughty finger with each stroke. The sensation of being so filled overwhelmed her. The dark wave of forbidden pleasure swept over her. Her channel spasmed violently, clamping down on him.
He stroked into her hard, extending her orgasm to a record-breaking length. She damn near passed out, falling forward when her trembling arms wouldn’t support her. He followed her down, moving his hand from her ass so he could embrace her from behind. His body enveloped hers, hips driving inexorably until his cock swelled and jerked, flooding her with heat. She ground against him, holding tight, letting his climax trigger a second one of her own.
For a long while afterward they stayed liked that.
“I like that you’re so tall,” she said after a comfortable silence. “You make me feel small.”
“You are small,” he said sleepily, nuzzling her neck.
She hummed happily and waited until his breathing deepened, signaling that he’d fallen asleep.
“I love you,” she whispered, before burrowing deeper into his arms.
She closed her eyes, pretending to be asleep when Gio went to the bathroom a few minutes later. She didn’t know if he’d heard her, but he did squeeze her extra tight when he got back into bed.
Chapter 14
The scent of good strong coffee woke her early the next morning.