“I love you in velvet,” he murmured, intensely disappointed when another couple joined them in the elevator.
Sophia gave him a pointed look and pinched his hand. He refused to move it, though. It was her fault for wearing the velvet instead of the wool.
Dinner with the gang had been a resounding success. Calen and Sergei had joined Alex in his effusive approval of Sophia. Everyone had loved her, although he’d had to smack Sergei a few times for making an hourglass figure with his hands behind the women’s back and mouthing “wow.”
Sophia had hit it off with Elynn and Maia, too. That had been a nice bonus. The other guys had thought so too. In fact, Sophia was going to meet them for lunch when Eva, Sergei’s partner, joined them after her business trip later in the week. But tonight she belonged to him…
His patience eroded the moment they walked into the penthouse. He pressed Sophia against the front door, leaning down to cover her mouth with his.
“Did I…mention…how happy…I am that you agreed…to spend the night,” he said between biting kisses.
Sophia gasped as he rubbed against her rhythmically, his hands cupping her full ass to pull her in closer.
“I don’t know how you do it…I have no willpower with you.”
He pulled back his head enough to grin down at her. “Good,” he said, picking her up to carry her off to the bedroom.
“Gio, put me down! You’re going to throw out your back!”
Maneuvering into the hallway, he laughed. “You weigh nothing.”
He smiled down at her. She looked so uncomfortable that he felt a little bad. But not enough to put her down. “Sophia,mi amore, does it seem like I’m having trouble?”
She scowled at him as he moved into the master bedroom and put her down on the large four-poster bed.
“No,” she admitted. “But that’s just because you’re a gym rat.” He laughed and took off his shirt and she waved at his chest. “It’s not funny! Look at you. You’re practically photoshopped!”
He glanced down at his six-pack. “I exercise when I’m frustrated. And I’d like to add that no one has complained before now.”
Sophia groaned and collapsed backward on the bed. “Why can’t you eat cookies when you’re upset like a normal person?”
Hiding a smirk, he took advantage of her prone position on the bed, kicking off his shoes and climbing over her.
Wiggling underneath him, she put her hands on his chest. “Wait!”
Kissing along her neck, he murmured. “Hmm?”
“Stop that, or I’ll forget what I want to say,” she said, trying, and failing, to push his head away from the soft skin next to her ear.
“Go ahead,” he said before sucking on her earlobe.
A little purr escaped her, and she went boneless underneath him until she came to her senses and pushed him away.
“This is not a sexy conversation.”
He rolled over and sat up. “All right. What kind of a conversation is this?”
“The uncomfortable STD one.”
His throat almost closed up. “You have an STD?” he choked out.
“No, you do!”
“I don’t have an STD,” he said with a laugh.
“I didn’t mean you actually had one. That was supposed to be“do you have one”? This is the belated sexual history talk. The one we should have had before I lost my mind in that alley in Rome.”