It had taken Herculean strength to go home to her cold bed alone yesterday. She was proud of the amount of willpower she’d displayed around him. But her resolve to take things slow flew out the window mid-fight.

“We have to stop settling arguments this way,” she managed to say between breathy little moans.

His laughter sent delicious little vibrations up and down her pussy. She buried both hands in his hair and held him closer, her hips pumping up helplessly. Worried that he was in danger of suffocating, she tried to back up, but his hands moved to hold her against his mouth. He sucked and licked in an aggressive rhythm that made the blood pound in her ears in a matching beat.

When his tongue stabbed into her, she tightened and throbbed around him. A broken sob escaped and her hands trembled on his head as he snaked in and out of her channel, extending the ripples of her orgasm until she was limp.

Gio pulled her off the counter. He was wrapping her legs around his hips, his cock probing at her entrance when there was a sudden loud crash somewhere behind them.

She gasped and pulled her skirt down while Gio hastily zipped up his fly. He was looking over her head, his face beet red.

“Alex!” he said.

“Oh, God,” she moaned, her hands covering her face.

Slowly she turned around and peeked out from beneath her fingers. There was a very tall, very embarrassed, dark haired man standing there with his mouth open. He closed it and opened it a few times, desperately trying not to laugh.

“I am so sorry,” he said, holding up his hands. “The doorman let me up.” He looked down sheepishly at the broken lamp beside him.

“I didn’t mean to intrude…It’s just that I haven’t heard from you, and Elynn and I were worried that it wasn’t going well…but I’m glad to see that I was wrong.”

Gio made a choking sound.

“Not that I saw anything!” Alex assured them before breaking out into a shit-eating grin. “Well, nothing good anyway…”

Sophia laughed despite her humiliation, and Gio gave her the most adorably abashed look of relief.

“Um, Sophia this is my friend, Alex Hanas. Alex, this is my Sophia,” he said, moving to stand behind her and put his hands on her shoulders.

My Sophia.

The possessiveness was enough to make her put her hands down to peek at the two men standing there looking so bloody handsome and…handsome.

Damn, they were both so attractive. Of course, Alex was nothing compared to Gio, whose square jaw and light gold eyes were far more devastating than the other man’s more generic model looks.

“Er…I am going to be right back,” Gio said holding up a finger.

She twisted her head around to give him a don’t-you-dare-leave-me look.

He ducked his head.

“I’m sorry,” he whispered. “I need to clean up,” he added pointedly and she blushed because up close her intimate scent was noticeable all over his face.

“I’ll be right back,” he called, practically running out of the room.

She and Alex stared at each other awkwardly, and she laughed again. He relaxed and laughed with her.

“I amreallysorry,” he said. “We were worried about him and the doorman didn’t mention he had company. Gio and I went to school together, and we’ve been pretty tight ever since. Anyway, he called last week and told us the whole crazy story. For what it’s worth, he’s never like that. Gio is the most honorable man I know. This whole thing with his ex, the bitch from hell, really messed with his head.”

Her brows went up. “Bitch from hell?”

“It’s her official title.”

“Not a fan, I guess.”

He shook his head emphatically. “We hate her.”

She smiled. “We?”