Heart heavy, she reached for her phone to check her emails. With a frown she noticed that her phone was on vibrate.
Shit. She usually tried to be easy to reach in case something went wrong at the lab, but Gio distracted her. Hopefully work hadn’t needed to speak to her because she never noticed when the buzzer went off unless the ringer was on too. Unlocking it, she checked how many times her ex had called last night.
Sophia sat up abruptly.Tenmissed calls?
Thinking Richard had truly gone off the deep end, she checked the log. But only four were from Richard—the rest were from Kelly. Worried something terrible had happened, she hurriedly called her back.
“Oh, God, finally,” Kelley gasped when the call went through. “Where have you been? I’ve been trying like crazy to reach you since I got back yesterday from the in-laws.”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t realize my ringer was off. Is everything okay? Is it Omar? Did something happen?”
On the other end of the line, her friend exhaled a harsh breath and her heart sank. Something must have happened to Kelly’s husband, Omar, or her parents.
“It’s not me. It’s you. Listen about Gio—”
Sophia laughed, relieved. “I know, I know. I'm crazy. I’ve never done anything like this, but you were the one telling me I should have a rebound relationship. The thing is—”
“No, no! You don’t understand,” Kelly interrupted. “You’re not with Giovanni.”
Sophia smiled sheepishly and stood up, wrapping the sheet around her.
“Actually, I am. Right now. Well, almost. He’s in the shower. Listen, I know I shouldn’t have gotten involved with one of your study subjects, but I couldn’t help myself. It’s insane, but he’s not what I expected, and we…well, I can’t go into it or he’ll hear me gushing like an idiot. But for once I’m not going to overanalyze. I’m trying hard to live in the moment and just…enjoy him. God, I sound like a schoolgirl with a crush. Don’t make fun of me later for the way I’m talking, okay?”
Kelly stayed quiet.
Sophia frowned. “Kel?”
Harsh breathing filled her ear. “Listen and stay calm. You need to get out of thereright now.”
Apprehension filled her, making her dizzy. She sat heavily on the bed. “Why?”
“He’s not who you think he is. The man you are with isn’t Giovanni Berardi.”
Her stomach tightened. “What?”
“I spoke to the real one,” Kelly said. “He emailed me to apologize for not being able to meet you.”
Sophia relaxed, almost giddy with relief. “Oh, no, it’s all right. I did miss him the first time in Rome. I’d gone on to Milan, and he texted me so I doubled back to meet him.”
“No, Sophia. It’s not him,” Kelly insisted. “The real Giovanni had to miss you in Rome the second time, too. His son was in an accident. He went to the hospital and was too out of it to cancel your appointment. But I got the questionnaire back in the post, so I called him to thank him and he told me everything. A man came to him with the survey and stayed with him till he filled it out. Gave him a thousand euros for his trouble and then took the thing to mail for him. You never met the real Giovanni. Whoever that man is that you are with,itisn’t him.”
Frozen, Sophia sat there with her mouth open.
“But…but it has to be. There must be some mistake. We talked about it. His name is Gio…Giovanni.”
There were sounds of movement in the background as if Kelly was pacing and bumping into things. “What does he look like?”
Sophia shrugged, even though Kelly couldn’t see her. “He’s six-two with black hair and light golden-brown eyes.”
“So, he’s not a leathery man in his fifties?”
“No,” she whispered, her heart sinking. “He’s young. Mid-thirties at the latest.”
“Where are you?”
“We’re at my hotel. I told you. He’s in the shower.”