Page 74 of Royal Lies

She was embarrassing us.

Her bedraggled appearance, her blood-soaked black—black? Black Hair?

Oh, lords. Fuck—Bloody fuckity fuck. Fuck!

"Everetta!" I didn't even take one full step before a bright light came crashing through the ceiling. Oh bollocks—casting my hands above my head, I just barely managed to place the shield over us before—bang, another one? I thought there was only one. I glanced over at the glowing mass.

Wait, how?

She should haveonlybeen able to make one. Her magic should have been depleted after fighting off those shadows and casting that energy mass in her room.

Shit—was she making a new one already?

No way she couldn't have unless the blood; she was soaked in blood—black hair—shadows. She used energy she garnered from the shadows. Which means she remembers. Oh fuck, oh fuck me!

I'm bloody screwed. She's going to kill me. She's castrated fae for less. Wait- I'll just reason with her, yes, of course, that's what I'll do. The only way she or anyone would be able to garner energy from another was by using dark magic, and Everetta has light magic but her ability is creation. Which means she's able to create a spell using her light magic to change her gift from light into dark. She's done it before, not an easy task and it took her over seven hundred sun cycles to figure it out. I should know she dragged me through it all. She took me on most of her littleadventuresto discover new magic. Through all the realms, immortal and mortal.

We've been through a lot together, yes that's right I was there for her. Through all her heartbreaks, when her mother died, when she-whensheleft. She has no right to throw a fucking tantrum after whatIdid for her! She can't kill me for doing what Iknowwas best. After I tried to prevent her from dying again. I even fucking went tothatbastard, Alexander, for help. The only reason why I was able to fucking tell that bloody nonsense about being “ambassadors”was because of the deal I made withhim. So she had no fucking right to be angry, I should be angry, yet I never was.Ialways was the one to toleratehernonsense.

"Everetta, you need to calm down. You're acting like achildright now." Fury was burning through my glowing blue glare pinned against her golden ones. I shoved my ice magic into the burning glowing orbs pushing against my charring skin. Shrinking them until they were nothing. Of course, I could do this as my magic was far better than hers. At least for now. I was aROYALfor a reason.

"SHUT UP! JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP ALREADY!I'm so fucking sick of your lies! Everetta this, Everetta that, wah wah wah, do what I say, stop acting like a fucking child! I'm not a fucking child ass hole!" She bellowed her voice causing a tremor to shake the walls as people screamed, lights sparked as it streamed off her dashing throughout the room like small missiles. Some hit a few fae, some damaged the decor lining the ballroom, and a lot hit the expensive irreplaceable vases. Great. I rolled my eyes.


Closing my eyes counting to five in hopes of quelling some of my anger.

She screamed, her voice bellowing in the air like a giant lion.

Oh please, she's not a child? What the hell was this then?

"Everetta, this has gone on long enough, stop this petty tantrum of yours at once!" I declared before another bang hit the room. Wincing at the damage control I'll have to do later I glared daggers at her. The light snow started to trickle into the room, melting just as quickly as it fell. Half the floor was covered in ice. The other half was as hot as standing on lava.

Shit, just how is she getting all this power? I mean surely she wouldn't have gathered this much from mere shadows, right?

"Tantrum? A fuckingtantrum?! I'll show you what a fuckingtantrumlooks like!" She roared as her gaze shifted towards the crowd. No—fuck! This is exactly why she is such achild. I flicked my left hand up casting a dome around us to protect the fae in the room.

"You're always fucking doing this, telling me what to do, treating me like a kid. Has occurred to you that-" She began as I had enough. Fuck the counting.

"That what? That you're not a fucking child? Then prove it because while you've been dancing around having the time of your life I've been doing my best to keepyoufrom dying! Do youhave any idea how much of a toll it was forme? I had to watch youdieEveretta, I watched you suffer. Watch you wither away like some breathing corpse. I didallof this for you!" I splayed my hands wide encompassing the room and its screaming occupants still scurrying away from the flying sparks. I'm sure some must also be trembling from the freezing temperature.

"A toll? A fuckingtollonyou? Has it occurred to you that maybe stealingmymemories would take atollon me? No this- this isallonyou." Flicking her hand in a mirror gesture to mine she smiled, her white pearly teeth shimmering in the light of the chandeliers.

"Why did you have to lie? Why did you have to fucking lie to me?! Do you have any idea how much it hurts?! How much pain it is to not even know who you are?!" I rolled my eyes, she was exaggerating everything as always. She drilled a finger against her head as if trying to pierce through it with her bare fingers.

"Why did youlie? Why!!!!!" Everetta bellowed as another tremor shook the ground-more screams. I made my move to, I don't know, restrain her?

Or at least I was about to when a hand clasped onto my shoulder. I wanted to shrug it off to tell whoever to sod off.

The gentle touch jarred me so much that I froze for a second. It was enough to shake me out of my fury for a moment.

I peered up at soft crimson-red eyes and flowing pale white hair, a good sign she was using her magic. I swore for a second there my knees collapsed. I could barely believe my eyes. She was here. How? No, she can't find out. I swiftly turned as if I could conceal this from her, my mate, Akasuki.

"It's ok, let him handle it." Akasuki smiled her soft soothing aura cooling my rage as the ice slowly melted down, but-she-does she know? Does she know what I did? What Ihaddone to Everetta? Suddenly I couldn't meet her eyes.

Wait-she said he-she couldn't mean-

Whirling around I spotted him, the light dusting of blue in his pale hair.