Page 5 of Royal Lies

Wait, I wonder...

Maybe, I should try two arrows at a time. That would be much quicker.

So I did and man was I good with an arrow. I was just zipping them through the air at lightning speed.

One after the other.

Two more hounds fell on my count just as I spotted Eli lunging for another. His movements were like a wolf on the prowl as he pounced at his prey. He ducked to avoid the werehound in front of him just as another was coming from behind him as he popped up to stab at the underside of the werehound's belly. All the while his blond hair shone like the mane of a lion against the glow of the full moon.

Of course, stabbing it underneath its stomach wouldn't kill the monster but it would injure it enough for Eli to aim for the center spot between its eyes.

But don't try this at home kids.

Normal fae typically struggle with these beasts. Me and Eli handled them with ease only because we had more magic storage in our system.

You know I sometimes think that red dot at the center of their heads is like their third eye or something. But whenever I mention it to Eli he just frowns and sneers his nose at me.

Prim prick.

But he didn't refuse the thought.

So, did that mean he just hated the thought but agreed with it?

Closing my left eye to center my focus, so as not to nick Eli, I let the arrow loose with an exhale of my breath. Opening my eyes I watched the wooden sharp stick flying across the air. Beaming I watched it land its mark.


I'd practiced shooting my bow with just my senses a few times since meeting Eli. I also nicked him a few times. Only because he was being such a prick. Always telling me what to do and how to shootmyweapon.

To be honest with you, this is the first time I haven't nicked him. Bad, for me. Good for him. I did ever so enjoy the small little victories I had over him. Each small cut against his face was like a badge of honor for me.

With the sneaky werehound at Eli's back taken care of, I hopped off to retrieve my arrow. Yanking it out of the werehound I watched as Eli slammed the werehound in front of him down. Turning he nodded. Giving me his silent thank you.

Ek, ya I did it! I finally did it!


Can't quite use my magic to recall my arrows yet but hey, I'm getting there, I think. Also, it's not that I wanted his praise. But well seeing him acknowledge that I'm actually good at something.

Well, that's a victory.


Two points to mwa, one unfortunate point Eli.

I was all but happy for two seconds until a quick breeze flew past me. I spotted a small fleck of golden hair falling to the ground. I whirled back to glare at the bastard who'd thrown the dagger I could practically see the glimmer of a smirk in his downturned lips. Sure he wasn't smiling per se but I knew he wanted to. Never mind that it hit a werehound, my hair! Asshole! He did that on purpose. The guy didn't even dare to look back at me. He definitely did that on purpose! Just look at how guilty he is that he can't even face me!

I glared daggers toward the back of the said blond head. This wasn't over yet! I didn't even nick him this time. How unfair!

Turning back around I took out my anger on the werehound behind me launching one arrow after another before tossing the bows and arrows aside and going head-on with my small leather-wrapped daggers. Its black coloring was a contrast to the sharp white pointy side in the starry night.

I wasn't made for close combat but that didn't mean I wasn't good at it. Jabbing the damn thing against one werehound I launched towards another one behind the one I was currently injuring. Using my foot to unhinge the knife from its belly I launched myself back standing atop one werehound and plunging the dagger right into the bullseye.

"Fuck ya!" I hollered just as one last thump hit the ground.

I turned only to frown at the sight before. The bastard just had to one-up me. Taking my kill like that. Eli stood one foot atop the last hound, joyful pride gleaming in his eyes.

"I hate you," A fog of air curled in the howling wind as I seethed venom at the boy in front of me watching as he ripped up his dagger from the werehounds that lay dead at his feet.