Page 2 of Christmas Kisses

With that, he lets go of me and strolls out of the shop. I guess I'm investing some of my savings in the mayor's campaign for re-election. All I wanted was a date. I brighten up at the thought. Maybe he can be my date for the mixer. I look at the onlycustomer in the shop right now, and he's frowning at me. I take a deep breath and go take his order.

Chapter 1


"And that's how I ended up paying for a Christmas Mixer."

My best friend, Brandy, looks at me funny from the computer screen. We FaceTime once a week since she moved to Miami to be with the love of her life. I miss her terribly, but they were meant to be together. Their story was a long time in coming, and I couldn't be happier for her.

"I don't understand."

"What don't you understand?"

"Why you're paying for everything."

"Didn't I mention the smile and the touching? There were dimples, too."

"Sam, that guy is a jerk. He's totally taking advantage of you. Tell me you can see that."

"I already said I would do it. I can't take it back."

I don't think I could stand the disappointment in the mayor's eyes if I went back on my word—even if that word was given under duress. But was it duress? He touched me. I don't think he's ever done that before. He smiled at me, too.

"Want me to go there and beat him up for you?" Brandy suggests.

"No, but thanks for offering. Worst part was that someone was there at the shop to witness the whole encounter."

"Who was it?"

"One of the Hoffer brothers. The handymen."

"Oh, they're hot. You should be asking one of them out for a date, not Mayor Douchebag."

"Don't call him that."

"Can you have the coffee shop ready by that date?"

"This close to it, I'll probably have to pay extra for someone to come in and add the booths. They got here two days ago. They are so cute, Brandy."

"How much is this event going to set you back?"

"Can't we talk about something else?"

I love my BFF, but she is like a dog with a bone when she doesn't like something or someone. Her crosshairs are on the mayor and I have to do a lot of maneuvering for her to switch to another topic. I'd rather just be straight with her.

"Promise me you'll talk to his assistant about some money for the decorations or, at least, the catering."

"That's a good idea. She's not as sneaky as he is. But maybe he blindsides her just like he does me."

"Tell me about the Hoffer boys. Do they go to the coffee shop often?"

"I guess? I haven't really noticed."

"I think we should make a plan."

"Brandy, not one of your schemes, please."

"Listen, I'm going to be there for two whole weeks. We can get shit done in that time. Put me to work as soon as I get there."