Page 32 of Christmas Wishes

Said husband is fixing Christmas Eve dinner for us and the boys. We're celebrating the fact that the twins are finally our foster children. If things go well, we might be able to adopt them. They are all over the moon, especially Connor.

Gene went crazy and bought them all sorts of presents that they haven't really earned, but I let him be extravagant with the children this once. It seems to me like he's always giving away bits of himself to others these days.

Time, money, wisdom. He shares them with as many people as he can and I'm very proud of him for that. The front door opens and the kids come in. They are loud and noisy and I completely love it. Too late they realize they've woken me up from my sleep. Well, we know I wasn't really asleep, but I like to keep them on their toes.

"Sorry Lilah, we didn't mean to wake you up." Owen says.

"It's okay. How was the Christmas party at the center?"

"It was just starting to get good. I don't know why we couldn't stay." Connor says.

Brad and Owen roll their eyes as if its a conversation they've been having for a while.

"We've got important things to celebrate with Gene and Lilah, you doofus." Brad pushes him aside and goes to help Gene in the kitchen.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Connor says, sitting down in an armchair and putting a leg over the arm of the chair.

"Don't be like that, buddy. You can open one of your presents if you'd like. In honor of getting a new pair of brothers."


"I don't see why not."

"Dinner's ready!" Gene says from the kitchen door.

We move to the dining room and Connor helps me sit down at the head of the table. Gene insists I'm the head of the family andI have to take that spot. I open my mouth in awe when I see how much food Gene has cooked for our little family.

"Baby you've outdone yourself."

"It's a time to celebrate, sweetheart."

We all eat and share our favorite stories about the youth center and the people we have gotten to know through it. The twins get up after dinner and bring a golden box with a red bow on it and place it in front of me.

I offer them as many thanks as I possibly can and when I open it find it's a gold locket.

"This is too much boys, how did you afford this? No, you should take it back."

"Open the locket, Lilah." Gene says.

I nudge the lid open and see a photo of Gene and I on our wedding day on one side and one of Connor, Owen and Brad on the other side. The men of my heart. I hold it up so that Gene can put the necklace on me and get up and hug all of my boys.

After I've dried my tears, Connor wants to take pictures of us with the Christmas decorations. They outdid themselves with the tree they got from Pearsons Tree Nursery. It's still a baby tree so it'll go back to the nursery once the new year comes around.

I find myself standing with Gene in front of the Christmas tree and I smile up at him. I place my hands on his chest and take in his masculine scent of leather and pine. I love this man so much, sometimes it hurts. Gene lifts my chin and lowers his mouth to mine.

The kiss is supposed to be innocent, but after a few moments it gets intense. Gene, his scent and his heat enfold me and I'm almost lost in the moment.

"Eww. Guys get a room." Connor says.

"Lilah did you piss yourself?" Owen says.

That makes me snap out of the magical moment. I look down at my feet and the floor is wet.

"Oh crap. I think my water broke, Gene."

"Okay, nobody panic. We've rehearsed this several times."

I knew they had rehearsed it at least once in front of me, but I didn't know it had been several times. I guess they were more scared of the pregnancy than I was. But right now everyone is frozen. I clear my throat and finally Gene seems to come to his senses.