Page 30 of Christmas Wishes

"Yeah, it's good, I guess."

The icy cold between us feels like a giant barrier and I'm scared I might set off some fireworks if I do or say the wrong thing. There's valet parking and the gentleman helps Lilah out of the car. I give him the keys and grab her hand but she slips away and walks a bit faster towards the door.

We're seated immediately and there's already a bucket with champagne on the side of the table and rose petals are scattered around the table. My bride to be, though, looks impatient.



I go grab her hand again and she pulls back.

"Say what you need to say, Lilah."

"I need to know what your intentions are with me."

I try to contain my laughter but it just bursts out of me. All heads turn to us and Lilah is furious.

"Gene, it's not funny. We're sleeping together. I could be pregnant right now." She whispers-shouts.

I get up and fish the little box out of my pocket. I walk over to Lilah's chair and bend on one knee.

"Lilah Castle, you are the most wonderful woman that I've ever met. You've helped me and supported me when my life was at its worst and you never asked for anything in return. I love you with all my heart."

One look at her tells me the fight has gone out of her and now she's sitting with her hand on her heart, listening intently to what I'm telling her.

"I've already asked Connor for your hand in marriage and he said he gave us his blessing. Now I'm asking you. Lilah, will you do me the honor of being my wife? To spend the rest of our lives building a future together where we can grow old and take care of one another for the rest of our lives?"

"Oh I'm so sorry, Gene. I didn't know. I've been so mean to you lately."

"I promise to be more communicative moving forward, but you haven't really answered my question. Will you marry me?"

"I love you, Gene. Of course, I'll marry you."

She gets up from the chair where she's sitting and pulls me up so that she can bury herself in my arms. Exactly where she's meant to be. I give her a smoldering kiss and she almost swoons right there in my arms. The people around us applaud and the waiter comes open up the champagne.

We toast to our future and I'm glad I finally see her with a huge smile on her face that matches mine.

"Oh, I've got so much to plan. What a hassle."

"Don't worry about that. I've got Mrs. Hoffer on it."


"Let's just say it's going to be a short engagement, sweetheart."

New Year's eve comes and I'm glad they don't remove the Christmas decorations in Woodland Falls until after the next day. The colors all around us give off that holiday season vibe, you know, the one that brings magic and love into our lives during these times.

Our ceremony took place in the gazebo at Woodland Falls Park, but now I'm dancing with my bride at one of the large rooms in City Hall.

We're rudely interrupted by the major, who wants to cut in my dance with my wife. I frown but don't make a fuss. I don't want to ruin my wife's perfect day. I go back to my table and keep a close eye on them. They seem to be having a conversation.

The mayor's mother sits next to me and offers me a flute of champagne. I take it and realize I'm probably going to get a lecture. I want to be dancing with my wife, damn it.

"I don't know how you did it, Gene, but you've got yourself one amazing woman. And she doesn't want you for your money or fame."

"Lilah is too pure and good to worry about those things. She's focused on giving Connor the best life possible and getting ahead in this world. I admire her so much for that."

"You really love her, don't you?"