Page 26 of Christmas Wishes

Suddenly I hear someone screaming Lilah's name and I realize that Connor is awake. I'm reluctant to leave Lilah's side, but I know she would want me to appease her brother.

"Hey, Connor. They are taking care of her right now. How do you feel?"

He takes his mask off and tries to talk, but he's having some difficulty. When he's finally able to talk his words fill me with unease.

"I'm sorry about the house."

"Were you there when the fire started?"

"No. We got here after. We knew the twins were inside, so Lilah went in to get them while I called for help. Then I followed her."

"You both shouldn't have done that."

"The twins would have died."

"All of you could have died, Connor. I could have lost Lilah and never had a moment to tell her how I really feel about her."

"She cares about you too."

I nod and look around to see where Brad and Owen are.

"I'm going to check on the twins and hopefully your sister will come to soon."

After checking on the twins I go back to where Lilah is being treated and see there's no change in her. The paramedics are getting ready to take her to the hospital. They won't let me ride with her because we're not related. I thought about lying and saying she was my fiance, but I don't want to lie to the people of Woodland Falls ever again.

They take the kids to the hospital as well and I follow in my car. I probably shouldn't be driving right now in the state I'm in, but I didn't want to ask anyone for a favor. So I drive as carefully as I possibly can, all the while sending up prayers that when I get to the hospital my beautiful Lilah is already awake.

In the hospital no one will talk to me and I'm losing my mind. Thankfully, Connor asks to see me and when I talk to him, he fills me in on Lilah's condition. She's got a concussion and is still not waking up. He tells the staff that its okay for me to visit with her.

Before I go to her I ask the question that's been circling my brain since Lilah sent me that text.

"What were the twins doing in the Williamson property?"

"Their foster parents have been treating them badly for weeks so when they can't stand it anymore they've been staying there at night. Tonight they threw them out so they had nowhere else to go."

"Your sister would have taken them in."

"They're not used to getting help from adults. They don't trust it."

I just nod and leave him so I can check on my girl. When I walk into the room I see the nurse taking Lilah's vitals. She nods to me and keeps doing her job. I go to the other side of the bed and take Lilah's small hand in mine.

"Come back to me, sweetheart. I don't think I can live without you."

Chapter 10


Ihear an insistent voice calling my name over and over again. A big part of me wants to follow wherever that voice leads, but a small part wants to just stay in this nice heavenly place. The voice won't go away and I make an effort to wake up fully.

My eyes won't open, but my head has started throbbing with a horrible headache. I try to open my eyes again and I see a sliver of someone next to me, but everything is blurry. The headache gets worse and I hear someone groan. Oh, wait. That was me.


That's the voice. I push myself to open my eyes again and I see a big shadow over me.

"Lilah, are you okay?"
