Page 24 of Christmas Wishes

"Let's have something to eat first so we can wait for Connor and the Mcallisters to join us. I want them to be involved as much as they possibly can. I want to give them something positive to put their energies on."

"I think that's perfect. Let's seal this with a kiss."

So I take her into my arms in the middle of downtown Woodland Falls and kiss the life out of her.

Chapter 9


Christmas Eve is here and I have a cold, so I couldn't go with Gene to visit his mother. We had a small lunch together with the Mcallister boys and all I can think about is to set my weary body on the bed and let the medicine take over.

We've all been working had on the youth center project, but I've noticed the twins are more withdrawn now than ever. I asked Connor about it, but he just ignored me. After these peaceful weeks I don't really feel like going through more trouble.

Of course, that's exactly what happens. There's pounding on the front door and I rush to see who it is. I open the door and two people push me aside and come into my apartment.

"Where are the kids?"

"Who are you?"

"Where are those brats? They hang out with your brother all the time."

"Are you talking about Brad and Owen?"

"Where. Are. They."

"They had lunch with us a couple of hours ago, but they left. They didn't tell me where they were going. Let me see if Connor knows."

I knock on my brother's door and he opens after a few moments. I fill him in on the situation and he comes out to the living room where the Mcallister's foster parents are waiting, smoke coming out of their ears.

"Owen told me you threw them out. Today of all days."

"What?" I ask.

I'm immediately angry on the twins behalf.

"It was a misunderstanding."

"That's not how it seemed to them." Connor says.

"We're not getting in trouble because of those brats."

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Well, the nice lady at Social Services came looking for them. She wants to talk to them."

"I don't know where they are." Connor says.

With a lot of grumbling, swearing and complaining, Connor and I manage to the the foster parents out of our home. I immediately turn to him.

"Do you know where they are?"

"No, but I have an idea."

"I'll get dressed."

"You're sick. You're supposed to stay in bed."

"You're not going alone. I'll text Gene on the way."