Ana's reluctance is hurting my new found feelings – in the past I wouldn't have cared – but I try not to show it outwardly.
"It's all above board, Mrs. Hoffer."
My words don't really convince her and Lilah sees this, so she walks forward, takes Ana's hand and takes her over a seating area that's on one side of the hall. She tells her of our ideas and the reason I came up with the plan. By the end, Ana is nodding along with whatever Lilah is telling her. A good sign.
When they look like they're done talking Ana gets up and motions Lilah to wait. She goes into the mayor's office and shuts the door firmly behind her. I'm dying of curiosity, but I'm afraid of making the wrong move and hurting our chances of a meeting with the mayor.
It seems like an hour passes, but when I look down at my watch only fifteen minutes have gone by. Lilah pulls me down for a kiss and I realize I never saw her get up from the chair she was sitting on. She grabs my hand. Hers is warm and soft. Mine is clammy and sweaty.
I know I'll go ahead with this project with or without the city's help, but I believe it would be better received if they have a handin it. I tense up when the door to the mayor's office opens up, but I see it's only his wife.
"Michael will see you two now."
Lilah gives me a smile and we go inside hand in hand with a dream in our hearts.
We're sitting in the mayor's office. He's changed it since I was here. It's more modern and exudes efficiency. Michael Hoffer does not like me, and he's got a ton of reasons. I used and abused members of his family and the town itself.
"Ana told me the gist of what you want to do. I told her you were up to one of your scams. You know how I know that?"
I frown. I'm not sure what he's talking about, so I just let him elaborate.
"Yesterday I received some detailed paperwork and a large deposit to the city's funds. The papers showed every cent you stole from Woodland Falls. The total amount was deposited. Tell me you're dirty without telling me you're dirty."
"It was the right thing to do."
"I don't believe you." The mayor says.
It seemed like I was going to have to reveal my heart to this man that is my enemy.
"I didn't spend a dime of it. It wasn't about the money."
"What was it about, then?"
"I was hurting so much, I wanted to pay the world back. The more people I hurt in the process the better."
"What's changed?"
"As I told you my mother is dying. I spent the past two years away from her because I was hiding from the wrongs I did here in Woodland Falls. I've come back now, and even though my mother's condition won't change, I want to be a better man for her and for the people that care about me."
I feel Lilah's hand squeeze mine gently and my heart fills with joy that I have someone like her on my side. The mayor grabs his phone and makes a call.
"Jenny, get me the file on the Williamson farm, please."
The assistant knocks a few minutes later and comes in bringing a thick file of some sort. Lilah and I look at each other wondering what this is about.
"I think I have just the place for you to start this Youth Center. The Williamson widow had no heirs so she willed the property to the city of Woodland Falls. It's large and has a barn that can be converted into something useful for the kids. It's nicely located north of Woodland Falls Park. The electric is a problem they need to fix. We'll turn the power on but don't use the sockets in the first floor. You'd have to pay for any repairs and improvements, as well."
"I'm more than willing to do that."
"Then you better start working on creating the non profit and then contact us. Jenny will be your point of contact, but you might want to talk to my mother if you are going to do fundraising activities."
"I'll talk to her." Lilah says, a smile on her face.
"Okay. Mitchell, I hope I'm not making a big mistake in giving you a second chance."
I get up and offer to shake his hand. He takes it and squeezes hard. We play a game of chicken and don't break eye contact until we have to. A tie. Lilah and I leave and once we're on the steps outside of the building I take her into my arms and twirl her until she's asking me to put her down.
"That went better than expected." I tell her. "Let's go see the place."