Page 22 of Christmas Wishes


She looks unsure, but gives me a small smile. I push a plate of food her way and she takes it. We eat in silence for a bit, then I decide to fill her in on our activities today.

"We got a lot to do today, sweetheart."


"Yes. I want you to go with me to the social services place and then to talk to the major about the Youth Center."

"You think the mayor will go for it?"

"Only one way to find out."

I finish my food and get up to rinse the dishes. Lilah sneaks up on me and stands behind me, putting her tiny hands on my waist. I feel her put her cheek against my back and take a deep breath. I stand still and wait for her.

"After my parents died I thought I would never be able to count on someone for help. You've changed all that. I'm scared, though. This thing between us is so intense I sometimes feel like I could get burned by the flames."

"When I needed you the most, you were there for me, Lilah. Now we'll take care of one another. You'll see. It will all work out."

She lets go of my waist and gets up on her tiptoes to give me a kiss on the lips. She's the perfect woman for me, and I'll spend the rest of my life making sure she's happy.

The social services lady wouldn't or rather couldn't discuss the Mcallister's foster parents, but she took one look at us and started encouraging us to go through the process to become foster parents ourselves. I told her all my issues, but she brushed them off and sent us packing with a ton of forms to fill.

The hardest meeting will be with the mayor, though. I don't even know if he'll see us. I walk into town hall where I spent so much of my time a few years back. Nothing good came of that. I try to push it out of my mind and try to focus when Lilah squeezes my hand gently.

I see a change take over Lilah as she steps up and approaches the mayor's assistant.

"Hello. We'd like to see the mayor about a project that would help Woodland Falls youngest members."

"I'm not sure…He's very busy."

"Surely he's got some time for his constituents."

"I know, but mayor Mitchell here is not really welcome here."

"Oh for crying out loud!"

Before I know it, Lilah is knocking on Michael Hoffer's office door. The assistant starts screaming and things get a little bit looney. I just stare at the whole thing happening in front of me. Someone whistles hard enough to stop the women from bickering.

"What is going on here? People are working."

Ana Maria Hoffer, nee Gonzalez is standing in the middle of the hall waiting for answers. The assistant sighs in apparent relief.

"Hi Ana. These folk wanted to talk to the mayor, but I'm not sure he'll receive them."

Ana eyes me warily and approaches us. She's surprised to see Lilah here with me.

"Lilah! What a wonderful surprise. What do you need help with? I'm sure Michael can take care of it in no time."

"Actually, I'm with him."

Lilah points at me and blows the hair out of her face as she calms down from her battle with the assistant.

"Oh." Ana says.

"Yes, oh. We have a project the city might be interested in. We're hoping Mayor Hoffer can help."
