I turn to look at Rawlings who has her back leaning against my closed door.
“You know, Reagan figured something was up, but she couldn’t seem to put her finger on what.”
“Excuse me?” I say.
“You two,” she gestures to Rowan and me, “were being more secretive than normal, and it was taking so long for Cassius to die, she got suspicious. She went to his club, you know?”
I did not know.
“She went for a job interview, and instead of letting her seduce him, he yelled at her and told her to never step foot in his club again. That’s how she knew you were fucking him. So she started paying closer attention and then finally went to the high court with her proof. I don’t think she imagined the ripple effect it would cause.”
I bare my teeth at her, ready to pounce.
“Welp, anyway. Just want to let you know that I took care of it. Reagan will never snitch again.” Rawlings smiles and mimes slicing her own throat.
One down, seven to go.
Rawlings was never the brightest. What kind of moron closes herself in a room with one of the deadliest women alive after fucking her over? She just made my night that much easier.
I laugh, I can’t help it. I’m doubled over in laughter when a boot connects with my jaw, spraying blood across the floor. Using my crouched stance to my advantage, I swing my leg out, taking out both of hers. She jumps to her feet at the same time I pull a blade from the sheath on my side. We circle each other like two fighters in a cage. My strength has never been in combat, and there lies my disadvantage.
I twirl the dagger in my hand. She would be incredibly stupid to come within swiping distance and judging by the space she put between us, she knows it. With my other hand, I gesture to her in a come-hither motion.
“Let me see what all the fuss is about, Sophie. You aren’t scared of a measly little dagger, are you?”
Her jaw clenches at my use of her real name. A sore subject, I suppose, like it is for most of us.
“I can see why you didn’t want to take Cassius on yourself,” I taunt. “He would have put a bullet between your eyes before you made your first move.”
Sophie lunges at me, her emotions besting her. Her fist pulls back to land a punch, but my dagger presses into her kidney. One hand on her side, she attempts to stop the blood that’s soaking through her shirt and spilling on my floor. I put a hand on my hip and tap my foot while I wait for her to stand upright again.
“You know Hannah’s death wasn’t Cassius’ fault, right?” I ask. “It was your Daddy’s fault. He pissed off the wrong people, and Cassius was just caught in the middle.” Sophie’s eyes widen, and I motion to Rowan still sitting on my bed, “She uncovered it earlier today, your Daddy’s dirty business dealings. It was hisfault, Sophie. Daddy dearest wasn’t the man you thought he was.”
She grits her teeth; her breath is heavy. Heavy enough that the sound fills the room. Sophie’s body clenches in preparation, her shoulder drops, and I don’t have time to prepare for the hit I take. My body is thrown backwards, my back hitting the footboard of my bed. Rowan screams. I close my eyes briefly, knowing I’m out of time. I wanted to play with Sophie. I wanted to dismember her and leave her in pieces around the compound, but now there’s no time for that. Rowan’s scream effectively put the entire compound on alert. I have roughly eight seconds before someone breaks down the door.
I remove a throwing dagger from my boot and flick it in Sophie's direction. It enters her left eye with ease. I fist the other dagger and shove the blade upward at the underside of her jaw. The saw tooth on the back side of the dagger gets caught on muscle on the way back out, leaving pieces of skin hanging from the metal. I remove the throwing dagger from her eye, and it makes an odd popping sound that echoes in the room.
My bedroom door crashes to the floor, but I don’t pause to see who enters. Everyone dies now. One by one, every person who dares to cross me will meet their maker. I am done living by rules.
Do not fuck with a queen, for she will die to protect what’s hers.
More bodies enter, but I am in my zone. Daggers and throwing stars fly from my fingers, finding soft tissue and disarming those who enter just enough that I’m able to slide my blade across every throat. Empty eyes litter my floor. Gargled last words mingle with the scent of iron in the air.
Rowan looks so small still sitting on my bed, a little girl in an empty world.
“Row, we have to leave,” I say softly, afraid to break the spell she’s under, but also knowing it has to be done. I tread lightly. “You have to come. We’re going to start over. You and me. But we have to go now before the high court gets wind of this.” I gesture to the bodies at my feet.
“I…” she starts. “In all these years… I’ve never…” She looks at me then. “I’ve never seen this in person.”
I reach for her hand. “Come on, Row, we have to leave.”
I planned on killing them all, but not in this type of massacre. I planned to do it quietly to avoid alarming the little girls, the only people in this compound other than Rowan I will not kill. The appearance by Rawlings was not expected, and I should have known better. I should have had other plans in place in case things went sideways. But I didn’t, Rowan screamed, and now here we are.
“But Ruby, I don’t want to go. Besides, what about the girls?” Concern for the young recruits pulls at her features.
Riley’s words float back to me.
Unless you do, and Ruby, I’d stand behind you on that.