Using one hand to hold me up, I use my free hand to rub her clit, starting slow and then increasing the speed to match my thrusts. Her breaths are heavier, quicker, her pussy clenches around my cock with every thrust, and I know she’s close.
Sliding her leg to my other shoulder, I twist her body and let my hips slap against her ass. Her body starts to tremble, so I increase the momentum. The muscles in her ass clench, her legs quake and she covers my cock with her pleasure. Her juices drip down me as I drive into her, seeking my own release.
“You’re mine, Cassius, my king.” Her voice is the catalyst to my undoing, and I pull out, fisting my cock and pumping my seed across her body.
When Cassius has thoroughlycleansed me of his semen, he lies on his back and pulls me into his side. My head rests on his chest, and I count his heartbeats.
Thud. One.
Thud. Two.
Thud. Three.
The world is silent except for the pounding in his chest.
Thud. Four.
Thud. Five.
I push closer to him, wanting our two bodies to become one.
Thud. Thud. Thud.
I lose count when his heartbeat speeds. I feel him open his mouth to say something, but he closes it again before any words come out.
I’m glad he doesn’t say it. He doesn’t need to. I know because I feel it too. Our bodies, our souls, the shattered pieces of us, they’re mixed together now, and I no longer know which pieces are mine and which are his.
I sigh into him, calm flooding my body.
In my peripheral, the screen of my phone flashes and then it rings with an incoming video call. We both startle at the intrusion, the moment lost.
I press the button to accept the call, and Rowan appears on the screen. Wherever she is, it’s dark, the only light coming from the screen, turning her face pale and sullen.
“Rubes,” she starts, but I interrupt her.
“Where are you, Row?”
She swallows. “In my closet, but listen, it doesn’t matter where I am, it’s the only place I can talk about this. We have a major problem. You don’t recognize Hannah, do you?”
I shake my head and look at Cassius, who shrugs. “I don’t know why you would,” he says.
“Rubes, it’s Rawlings.”
Rawlings? That doesn’t make sense.
“Hannah is Rawlings?” I ask.
“Not quite, now listen. I don’t have long. Someone is going to discover this soon enough, and shit is going to hit the fan.”
“Row, I—”
“Not. Now. Rubes. Just listen. I can’t talk. It’s not safe. I’m sending you an encrypted file. Give it to Garrett, he’ll know what to do. I gotta go.”
Her eyes shift to something off camera, and the call ends. My phone falls on the bed between me and Cassius before vibrating, an email notification appearing at the top of the screen. I freeze, a statue of uncertainty. Rowan looked terrified, on edge even. Is someone after her or, worse, hurting her?
“Here,” Cassius says, interrupting my free fall into my intrusive thoughts. He pulls on the pants he discarded earlier and throws me his shirt. I step into my panties and slide my arms into its soft sleeves. I miss a button in my rush for answers but don’t bother to fix it. There’s no time for that, not now.