“We have that in common…” she tilts her head, pulling her upper lip into her mouth in thought, “to an extent.” She spears a pickle with the fork and pops it in her mouth.
“So, long story short, G and I came up with a plan. I hit Cranston’s kid with my car. Paralyzing him was a perk, not necessarily my intention. I wanted him to suffer, but I wanted it to be by my hands. While he was in ICU, G worked his magic with Cranston's home security, and I took the girl right out from under Cranston’s nose. I was rough with her, shoved her in the trunk. It had to look real because I didn’t want them looking for her. It was better if they didn’t. But it didn’t matter because the footage was scrubbed, except for that piece your friend dug up. Still not sure how she found that one.”
I cut both sandwiches in half and slide one toward her. Ruby bites into it with an appreciative moan. After last night, and then this morning, I figured she must be famished. I fill two glasses with water and offer her one.
The cold is refreshing, and I take several gulps before putting mine back down.
She drains the glass and takes another bite of her sandwich. She uses a hand to cover her mouth, talking through the bite.“So, the younger Cranston, Junior, he’s paralyzed. I knew that.” She swallows. “But what happened to Senior?”
“Like I said, I killed him.” I finish half of my sandwich and wash it down with more water. “I thought he hired you to kill me. He’s the only person I can think of because nobody that owes me money has the money to pay you. I can only assume that your price … it must be high.”
Ruby nods again, eyes wide with vigor. “Cassius, I honestly don’t know who hired me. It’s anonymous and Rowan has dug as deep as she can and has found nothing. Nada. Not a single trace of where the hit came from. And even if it was him, the hit doesn’t go away. It’s not like it disappears off the Reds' radar just because he’s dead.”
“Even if it wasn’t him. He was a piece of shit that somebody should have killed a long time ago. Will you tell me about the Reds?”
“Only if I can soak in your tub while I do.” Her eyes drop sheepishly. “I’m a little sore.”
I am such an ass. Fuck.
“Baby, I am so sorry. I just, I … I thought you’d be hungry and my stomach and fuck. Of course, you can take a bath.”
“Oh, I was starving, and I’m not sore the way you’re thinking. I think my muscles and joints are sore from killing a half dozen, actually no, I think it was nine. Nine people last night, and then some asshole had my shoulders in a position they aren’t used to.”
I groan, and Ruby laughs. “That sore, it’s a good sore. It just sucks that it’s in combination with my other aches right now.”
There are so many layers to this woman that I want to discover. I want to climb between each one and settle there. I want to know all the things that will make her laugh. I want to know her favorite song and if she can hold a tune. I want to know her best memory. And her worst. I want to know the deepestdarkest parts of her, the ones that no one else gets to see. The ones she struggles to carry alone. I want to help her carry them.
I check my phoneagain, but there are no new texts, no missed calls. I didn’t want to come to the club tonight. I tried everything I could to get out of it, especially after what she told me about the Reds. None of it sits well with me, and I want Garrett to look into it, but every time I open my mouth to ask him, I see Ruby’s face. The one that’s hurt and confused about the people who took care of her but in their own way destroyed her. It’s clear that she’s still trying to work everything out, and all I can do is be there when she does.
In the end, she convinced me it was safer this way, for both of us. Things have shifted between us, and more than anything, I want to go back home and curl up with her. But we have to keep up appearances. Publicly we need to hate each other for the Reds' sake at least. But it doesn’t stop me from looking at my phone, anticipating a text that will probably never come.
“Cass.” Garrett slams his glass on the table. “Are you going to tell me what the fuck is up with you or are you going to sit there moping all fucking night? The night is young and there is fresh ass on that floor.”
“It’s nothing,” I tell him, averting my gaze. “Club shit, game shit, you know the drill.” The lie tastes bitter, and I take a sip of my drink. I don’t lie to my best friend. Ever. I have only ever lied by omission once in all our years of friendship, and it cost him. But this entire situation is bigger than anything we have ever been up against, and I can’t risk him. Besides her, he’s the only person I think I’ve ever truly cared about.
Garrett leans back in the booth and eyes me over the top of his glass. “Are we just going to pretend like I believe that?”
I say nothing, there’s nothing to say.
He stands. “Well, I’m gonna go find some pussy while you,” he waves a hand over me, “figure all this shit out. Let me know when you want some help.” He walks down the steps and onto the dance floor, where he disappears.
My phone pings with a text.
Unknown number: You’re not acting like yourself.
The text causes my heart to go into overdrive. How is this happening?
Unknown number: You normally make the rounds. You need to do that.
Normally I find a willing participant and go to my office.
Unknown number is typing…
Unknown number is typing…
Unknown number is typing…
I know you like to watch.