Page 22 of The Money Shot

“October is perfect for all the kinky stuff—light bondage, roleplay, maybe a little leather if you’re feeling brave,” she said, tapping the screen. “Keeps things exciting. And hey, it keeps them guessing, too.”

“Uh…my birthday’s October 13th,” I blurted out before I could stop myself.

Laura lit up, her eyes sparkling with mischief. “Oh, you should definitely plan on something naughty with a birthday cake. Trust me, they’ll love it. Think along the lines of that movie American Pie. You know, where that guy fucks a pie.”

Once again, my face burned, which only made her laugh.

“Liam, you’d better get used to this kind of talk if you’re gonna make this work,” she said, shaking her head. “This is nothing. Just wait until you start taking requests.”

I could barely even imagine that. But then the waitress reappeared with our iced teas and two steaming bowls of soup, dropping them off with a quick “Enjoy,” before hurrying off to another customer.

Laura lifted her spoon and dug into her soup with enthusiasm, blowing on it a little before taking a sip. Meanwhile, I just stared down at mine, my appetite stalled by this strange, buzzing mix of nerves and excitement. I was tempted to leave and go back to my “normal life,” but then the desperate feeling returned, reminding me why I had reached out to her.

Laura looked up, eyebrows raised as she caught me just sitting there. “Liam, tell me something—do you ever look at porn?”

I nearly choked on my iced tea. “Yeah, of course I do.” I knew I sounded defensive, but it was the best I could manage under her knowing stare.

She gave me a skeptical look. “Uh-huh. And what are you into?”

I shifted, embarrassed again. “I mean, my tastes are…pretty vanilla.” Which felt pathetic to admit to someone like Laura, who seemed to have this whole thing so well figured out. But it was the truth. I didn’t go for anything too wild.

Laura smirked, a little twinkle in her eye as she took another spoonful of soup. I could almost see the wheels turning, and then, suddenly, her face lit up, like someone had flipped a switch.

She set down her spoon, leaning in with a mischievous glint in her eye. “Would you like to watch me film a scene after this?”

Chapter Thirteen


Laura’s loft was about what I expected—and also nothing like I’d expected. Exposed brick walls framed by tall, industrial windows gave the place that edgy Williamsburg charm. Mismatched vintage rugs, looking like they’d been collected over years of thrift store treasure hunts, covered the worn hardwood floors, which creaked in spots. Art covered the walls, some of it pretty good, but I doubted it was hers. Then, right smack in the middle of the room, under a ceiling rig of strategically placed lights, was her bed.

It was…a sight. Definitely the centerpiece, with a metal frame that was sturdy and sleek and looked like it had been custom-ordered from some catalog called Unmentionables Unlimited or something. A pair of handcuffs dangled off one corner, catching the light and glinting back at me like they knew I was staring. On the other side, a riding crop hung off the footboard, next to a pile of clothes pins. What on earth does she do with those things? My stomach tightened as I took it all in.

“Make yourself comfortable,” Laura called, already halfway across the room and peeling off her sweater without a second thought. She tossed it on a chair and, with her back to me, unzipped her jeans, letting them fall to the floor. I looked away,feeling my cheeks go red even though she seemed completely unbothered. In a second, she was in nothing but her underwear, strolling across the room to a wardrobe where she selected a slinky black dress and slipped it on. The transformation was quick, like she’d done this a hundred times.

Sitting down at her vanity, she picked up a thick stick of eyeliner and started layering it on. “Today’s scene is a classic,” she said, adjusting her lipstick. “Spanking. Apparently, Phil’s a stickler for realism, so he’s got Steve all geared up for it. I’ll probably throw in some insults. People love the ‘dominatrix’ vibe.”

I nodded, not sure how to respond. Spanking and insults—that was the plan? This was a whole other world. While she continued her transformation, adding mascara and bright red lipstick in the mirror, there was a knock at the door.

“Oh, can you get that?” she asked casually, blotting her lips with a tissue.

I got up, feeling more like an intruder than ever, and opened the door. Two men stepped inside. They gave me a curt nod and walked right past me, all business. Laura spun around, waving them in.

“Phil, Steve, this is Liam,” she said, as if they were just here for a cup of coffee. I could tell immediately that their names weren’t actually Phil and Steve, but I wasn’t about to ask. “He’s here to learn how to create content.”

Phil, a wiry guy with slicked-back hair, went straight to a closet and pulled out a black case. He unlatched it with the care you’d use with a newborn, revealing a very professional-looking camera. He flashed it at me. “This baby will be your best friend if you stick with this, Liam. Worth every penny.”

“Uh, yeah,” I said, watching as he checked the settings.

Meanwhile, Steve—who looked like he could’ve been a bouncer at a nightclub—began unbuttoning his shirt. I glancedaway, feeling out of place and honestly a little embarrassed. But then he kicked off his pants, revealing a pair of leather shorts underneath. He caught me looking and smirked as he strolled to the trunk at the foot of the bed and rummaged around until he pulled out a leather harness.

“Hey, would you mind?” he asked, holding it up to me and gesturing to the straps in the back.

I hesitated, glancing around like maybe someone would let me off the hook, but no one seemed to notice my unease. So, with fingers trembling, I took the straps and fumbled to fasten them, all while trying to keep my breathing steady.

When I finally stepped back, Steve gave a nod of approval and adjusted the harness with a grin. It was obvious that, to him, this was just another day at work. But to me? I wondered if I’d walked into some kind of parallel universe.

Phil took a last look at the camera, adjusted the settings, and called over to Laura. “Ready when you are.”