Page 3 of A Love So Sweet

Margaret could not contain her laughter. Tears spilled from the corners of her eyes as she bent forward, slapped her thighs, and tittered.

“You know what, I don’t have to take this. Where’s dad?”

“Oh shush.” Margaret reigned in her amusement. “Your dad is doing what he does best at the golf course. So today, it’s you and me. Come on. Lunch is ready.” Margaret twirled and strutted towards the kitchen. Following her unhurriedly, Allison pursed her lips and folded her arms, dragging her feet as she reluctantly found a seat at the kitchen table.

Margaret hummedas she moved around the state-of-the-art kitchen. With the table already set, she grabbed a pitcher of freshly squeezed lemonade, strolled across the stone tiled floors to her daughter, and filled two glasses to the rim.

“Are you still frowning about my jokes? My God, if you are, then you aren’t in a great mood at all, are you? Normally, my baby girl would throw jokes right back at me. What happened to the lively child I once had?”

“I’m still here. But this kid has been kicking my ass every night. It seems the only time they don’t move is during the middle of the day when I’m wide awake and stirring about. Whenever I try to sleep at night, they have a party in there. I’ve almost given up on sleeping at all!”

“Oh, honey, I’ve got news for you. That baby is just getting you ready for their arrival. When you have a child, you must adjust your life, including your sleeping habits. You’ve been taking your classes, haven’t you?”

“Of course. Lance is already a great father. He shows up early, and we get to the classes before any other expecting parents.”

Margaret smiledand walked back across the kitchen to grab their chicken salad sandwiches. “That Lance is such a sweetheart. I’m so happy that you found someone worth your time, effort, and your heart. That makes a mama proud. And I’m certain that he’s going to be a great father. Just like I know you’re going to be a great mother.”

“Now you sound like him.”

Margaret sat down. “That’s because we’re right. You are going through the same things all first-time moms go through. Now, about you sleeping–what you have to do is find your new time to rest. That may be during the day when the baby is quiet. The same thing will happen when he or she gets here. You have to breastfeed often. So, you won’t be able to sleep straight through the night anyway. But thankfully, the baby will rest during the day, so the answer to that is to nap when the baby naps. And trust me, it won’t be hard to do because you’ll be tired—possibly exhausted.”

“Gee, thanks, mom.”

“I’m just keeping it real, as young people say.” Allison lifted the sandwich and brought it to her mouth when Margaret slapped her hand. “Now you know we have to say a prayer first.”

Allison dropped the sandwich back to the plate, folded her hands in prayer and bowed her head. “Lord, please help me stay sane, please help this child sleep at night so that I can get some rest, and please forgive me for taking a bite of this sandwich during this prayer—a sister hungry, Amen.”

“Ah!” Margaret’s head flew up to see Allison munching on a bite of her sandwich.

“Young lady,have you lost your mind?”

“What?” Allison said, munching on her food.

Margaret scoffed. “You know better.”

“I’m hungry, ma!” Allison inhaled another bite, then lifted her lemonade and took a deep sip. “Not only am I restless, but I stay hungry. I’m eating everything in sight.”

“Okay now,what happens if that weight doesn’t come off because of all the eating you’ve done? Then Lance will have to look at his fat wife.”

Allison stopped chewing, her eyes growing big. “Oh my God.” She dropped the sandwich and almost spat out the food in her mouth but at the last second swallowed it back.

“You’re right.”

“I was just kidding.”

“No, you’re right.” Allison sulked.

“Oh please, darling. There’s no way you’re going to be fat. You could stand to gain a couple of pounds anyway.”

Allison’s eyes grew big again. “Are you saying I’m too skinny?”

“What I’m saying is you could stand to gain a pound or two to round out those curves you have. I’m sure Lance would love it. But more than that, I know you would too. I can see you now checking yourself out in the mirror and doing that little hip shake you do when you like what you see.”

Allison smirked. “I get it from my momma.”

Margaret winked. “Of course, you do. Soft laughter surrounded them. “Now eat your food. You know we don’t waste anything around here.”

Allison stared at her sandwich, then, after thinking it over, ate the rest of it before she changed her mind.