Page 8 of Before We Say I Do

“Of course.”

“It sounds like you’re trying to convince yourself.”

London sighed. “You’re right. It sounds that way because I know that you don’t keep secrets like the one I’ve got when you love someone. But I do love him.” Her voice lowered. “More than anything in this world.”

“I know, and I just want to point out if you’re not ready for marriage because this relationship between you two did happen quickly, it’s okay to postpone until you can reveal your secret.”

London’s eyes widened. “You think I should postpone the wedding?”

Carla reached to grab London’s arms. “IF you don’t see yourself revealing your secret before then. You can’t go into a marriage with secrets, honey. That’s some bad juju.”

London frowned. “Since when did you believe in juju?”

“Karma, juju, it’s all the same.” Carla shrugged.

London’s head fell back, eyes to the ceiling.


Bringing her eyes back to her cousin, London pursed her lips.

“Girl. I’m not postponing our wedding. I love this man with my whole soul. I could never.”

“Okay, then it’s settled, you’ll tell him.”




Carla stared at her cousin.

“Yes,” London agreed.

Carla nodded. “Good. Now go get out of that dress so we can get something to eat. I’m starving, and all this hush-hush talk has my stomach upset.”

London smirked. “Yes, ma’am.”

Carla dropped her hands, and London strutted to the dressing room, leaving Carla worried about what her cousin was going through.