Page 44 of Before We Say I Do

Still, she couldn’t help but wonder what their conversation entailed. Was it the everyday prayer? Was it about them? Was he worried about her?

The anxiety London felt before returned. Maybe it was nothing at all, and she was utterly exaggerating. But to be sure, as soon as she heard Amen, she took in an audible breath so he would know she was there.

Kyle looked over at her, sitting up straight, his gaze roaming her from head to toe. Desire built in his eyes, but before it could strongly manifest, she spoke.

“Do you still want to marry me?”

His eyes widened then lowered, and he stood, strolling to stand before her. Her head dropped slightly, and instead of coaching her with his touch like usual, he spoke back.

“Look at me, borboleta.”

Her heart knocked as she turned her questioning eyes to him.

“Why would you ask me such a thing?”

A knot welled in her throat, and she locked her jaw, shaken, disturbed.

Kyle slipped his hands along her neck, up the curve of her head, his thumbs resting behind her ears.


“Because I…”

His intense eyes were steady on her.

“I messed up by keeping my visits to Dexter secret from you. I didn’t realize how big of a problem that would become until I lied about where I was going this morning.” Tears lined her eyes, clouded her vision as she tensed and held firm, trying her best not to fall apart where she stood. “I’m sorry, Kyle.”

He drew her up into his arms, her legs wrapping around his waist as her head fell to his shoulder where the tears she held spilled.

“Baby, listen to me.” Kyle spoke firmly, walking them back to the bed where he sat with her in his lap. “You would have to try and kill me for me to reject the idea of marrying you. Do you hear me?”

She gasped, and her head lifted from his shoulder to stare in his gaze.

“I received a visit from Regina Smalls.”

London frowned, perplexed.

“She told me she had information on your whereabouts that I should know. To share this information, she wanted me to meet her at her place for dinner.”

London’s chest tightened, and a burn settled there.

“I’m telling you this because I want everything aired out between us. I have nothing to hide, and you shouldn’t either.” He paused. “Of course, I didn’t entertain her. I know what she wants, and if I needed to pry out of you what was going on, I would have just asked you. Going to her, or even considering it is childish. I’m a man. Your man. And you can trust me with your heart and your life.” Another pause. “Secrets, lies, temptation, are tools of our spiritual enemy. They will come, and we will recognize them and overcome all adversity because our love, spirituality, and understanding are strong enough to withstand them.”

Kyle shook his head.“The way that I am in love with you transcends the test of time. To reject you is to reject myself because you and I are already one.” More tears welled in her eyes. “Don’t you understand that our heartbeats match because of this? When I hold you. When we’re chest to chest. There’s a rhythm that dances between us. The pulsation in our veins create a link that combines us. You can’t think a mishap on your part would ever sever that.”

The tears rushed from her eyes, but not because of the sadness she felt before, because of understanding the love he spoke about. Feeling it. Living in it, and knowing he spoke the truth.

“We are together in this forever. Here, now, and hereafter. Okay?”

She nodded frantically. “Okay.”

“And when it comes to Dexter, your father had a conversation with him that answered everything he needed to know. And I want you to know, you don’t have to solve problems on your own anymore. When it comes to your family or otherwise. I am here to be everything you need. Whether you’re having a bad day or a great one. If you ever lack understanding on a subject or just need a listening ear. Whatever your plight, I’m here to tackle it with you head-on. Okay?”

She nodded more as tears continued to spill.

“Please stop crying, borboleta.”

He wiped her cries, then pulled her chin to his and kissed her mouth softly.