Page 5 of Before We Say I Do

London’s lips spread, her teeth revealed, as she nodded. “Yes.” London reached for her hands and linked their fingers with a squeeze. “Please, girl, I don’t want to look like a fool in front of Kyle’s family.”

“First of all, you are never anybody’s fool, nor will you look like one in this dress, believe that.”

London chuckled.

“Secondly, of course, I’ll be your maid of honor. Are you kidding me!?”

“Ah!” Thrilled, London tossed her arms around her cousin, and they shimmied in a dance. “Thank you, thank you, so much!”

“I don’t know what took you so long to ask. Now I have two days to come up with something fabulous to wear in your signature colors of silver, black, and white.”

“Oh, I’ve got you covered!” London twirled on her feet and shouted, “Wilson!”

A short, stocky man carrying bifocals on the bridge of his nose and a bejeweled black-and-white gown with silver lining stretched out over his arms strutted to stand before them.

A gasp shot from Carla’s mouth; her eyes wide as she stared down at the dress. “I know you fuckin’ lyin’!”

The ladies screamed and shimmied again, with Carla taking the gown off Wilson’s hand.

“How did you know I would say yes?”

“I hoped, honey.”

“How do you have my measurements? Is this going to fit me? This has to fit me!” Carla’s screeching was a testament to her excitement.

“It will. Did you forget our past? We’ve double-dated together. Hell, I’ve been in your closet enough to know what size you are.”

“Girl, I may have gained weight since then.”

Laughter shot into the air.

“Please, don’t even try it!” London took an eye over Carla. “Those hips don’t lie. You are the same size you’ve always been.”

“Oh, yeah? What size is that?”


They laughed heartily again, bending as amusement shuffled from them.

“Oh, my God, girl, you’re crazy!” Carla laughed, rising back to her full height.

“Go try this on! I got to know that I’m right.”

“Right now?”

“Yes! We’re two days away from the wedding. IF—and that’s a big IF—any adjustments need to be made, we can hand your gown right back over to Wilson.”

Carla leaned into a hip. “I thought you were sure?”


“Okay, okay. I’m going!”

Carla jogged away, entering the dressing room while London took another eye over her image.

“This is really happening.” She covered her chest with her hands. “I love you, Kyle,” she murmured.

London’s body heated. Just the thought of Kyle made her body respond in ways that went against the norm. It was a supernatural thing. Paranormal, even. As if belonging to him and him alone wasn’t a mental state of mind, but an agreement her entire ecosystem decided was a sure thing.