“Be the strong-minded woman that I know you are and call my bluff right now and tell me you’re not trying to get me to your place for reasons other than to talk about my fiancée.”
Regina flinched. His title of recognizing London out loud as his fiancée stung like a blade sliced into her chest. Regina locked her jaw. Though she and Kyle had never been emotionally or physically tied, he lived in her dreams. There, the love they made was unmatched to anything she experienced in reality, past or present.
“Six p.m. My place.”
“I’m not coming to your place. So, you can spit out what you need to say now or get out.”
They stared each other down, a challenge crackling with the utmost intensity of a charging volt.
“Fine.” Regina rose to her feet. “But don’t say I didn’t try to warn you.”
She reached for her trench and slipped her arms back inside.
“Warn me about what?”
She smirked. “Six p.m. or nothing.” She shrugged, grabbed his beard, and stepped to him, feeling his body heat radiating from his flesh. A shiver slipped through her. She would fuck him right on this desk if she felt like he would bite. But their time was coming. She would make sure of that.
Releasing him before he could step out of her snare, Regina winked, then twirled and sashayed around the desk, clearing the room, then exiting the door.
With the softclick of her departure, Kyle was bombarded with thoughts that made no sense. What kind of information did Regina think she had on London?
She was an angel. His borboleta. He knew her through and through.
Kyle shook out of his musing, deciding Regina was playing a cat-and-mouse game and remembering he was not interested in joining the circus.
But still…
In the back of his mind, he wondered what Regina thought she knew.