Page 21 of Before We Say I Do

Chapter Six

Ten minutes before


“I need you to meet me at the Waffle House in fifteen minutes.” London gripped the phone, her eyes darting to the rearview mirror, then back to the road littered with snowflakes in front of her.

On the other end, Carla let out an exasperated breath. “What is this about? Is everything okay?”

London locked her jaw and gritted her teeth.

“Hello, London?”

“I may have told Kyle I was meeting you for breakfast.”

“Why would you do that?”

“Because I needed an excuse for leaving so early.” Just as the words left London’s mouth, she felt like shit. Pulling to the side of the road, London put the car in park and exhaled a deep breath, her eyes closing.

“Look, I don’t know what’s going on with you, but you’ve got to talk to Kyle about it. You’re wrong for thinking he won’t understand.”

London’s eyes fluttered open, and she put the gear in drive and made a U-turn.

“You’re right about telling him, but you may be wrong about his understanding.”

“London, I know you. You’re a good girl and one of the most honest women I know. Don’t start your marriage off like this. I don’t know Kyle as well as I know you. But in your heart, you know he will work to understand whatever it is you’re going through.”

“Just say you don’t want to go to breakfast,” London teased.

“I—now you know that’s not it.”

“I’m just joking. I’ve already turned around. I should’ve done this weeks ago.”

“If you need somewhere to stay or if the wedding is postponed, let me know.”

London’s heart squeezed. She hoped what she had to say wouldn’t spawn that type of reaction from Kyle. If so, she would surely die.

* * *

She was barelyacross the threshold when Kyle manifested in the foyer doorway.

He folded his muscular arms, a brow rising up his hickory-brown face.

“Did you forget something?”

London removed her gloves and coat, inadvertently shaking off snow from her outerwear, then tossing them on the foyer table.

Slowly, she forced her eyes back to Kyle, an inhale giving her the courage to push forth.

“I lied.”

Kyle dropped his arms to his side, his gaze carefully examining the way she hovered at the entrance.

“Okay,” he said.

“No. It’s not okay.” She took a few steps forward. “I’ve…” Her eyes darted away from his probing gaze. “I can explain, so hear me out before you fuss, okay?”

“Before I fuss?” His brows dipped. “You’ve never heard me fuss before.”