Page 6 of Before We Say I Do

London didn’t mind it. The love she had for him she could feel running through her veins like an engine that revved. It controlled the beat of her heart, the expansion of her lungs, the drip from her pussy. It amazed her how such a beautiful thing like love could power a person when it was mutual.

Watching herself now, two days away from being Mrs. Valentine, had London’s pulse doing a jig that left her feet out of the dance as she stilled outwardly while silently freaking out.

This was, by far, the greatest time of her life. Of their lives. And still…

Her stomach twisted just a little. There was something she’d been wrestling with for a few weeks. Something she’d yet to mention to her fiancé. Biting the corner of her lip, London thought over her movements and what she’d been up to—knowing it was deceptive to hide her activities from her future husband.

“He wouldn’t understand,” she whispered to herself.

“Who wouldn’t understand?”

London whipped around. “Damn, girl, that was fast!” Her eyes sprinted over Carla in the dress.

“This fits you immaculately. Wow.”

Carla nodded. “You clearly know my size.”

A bright smile spread across London’s face. “See, I told you. Turn around.”

Carla modeled the dress, turning slowly to give London a look at every angle. The fabric cut against Carla’s curves as if they’d been sewn onto her, and the black turned her into a dark bejeweled angel.

“I love the sheer silver sleeves on this,” London added, reaching out to touch the material. “I also like the off-the-shoulder drop into the sleeve,” she murmured.”

“I love this, too, no doubt. And it’s one last thing I have to worry about finding now that I’m your maid of honor.”

London nodded. “Okay. It looks like we’re all set. Don’t worry about getting in your stylist chair. Mine can do your hair.”

“Oh, girl, please, I had her booked as soon as I found out there would be a wedding.”

They laughed, but London’s smile didn’t make her face glow as it did before.

“What’s wrong?”

“Hmm?” London’s eyes meet Carla’s.

“What’s going on with you all of a sudden?”

“Nothing. I don’t know what you—”

“Come on, London. You’re not asking me to be your maid of honor as a last resort. It’s because I know you. We’re family, and I can see the shift in your demeanor, too. What wouldn’t he understand, and who’s he?”

London’s mouth parted as she held it open with no response.

Carla snapped her fingers. “Come on, come on, spit it out.”

“Um, nothing. It’s nothing. Just something I need to figure out.”

Carla folded her arms and leaned into a hip, her eyes dropping to a squint.

“If you tell me about it, we can talk through it.”

London’s eyes shifted around the room, landing on the white interior walls, floor-to-ceiling mirrors angled around the area, multi-colored flower arrangements, and racks of wedding dresses.


London’s eyes jumped back to Carla as Carla spoke. “What is bothering you? This is supposed to be the greatest time of your life. I—”

“I’m keeping something from Kyle.”