Breaths mingling, they were swept away by the currents, hearts matching as their organs knocked against their chests.
Eyeing Vanessa, he kissed at her chin, dragged his lips across her mouth, and then murmured, “Are you okay?”
Thighs still quivering, and ears popping, Vanessa blinked, her fists clenched tightly as she was seconds away from beating against his back.
Her eyes moved from the fog that absorbed her, trailing to the buoyancy of his gaze.
“I’m fi-fine.” She swallowed, then nodded, her pulse still racing.
A smirk angled his mouth. “Stay with me.”
Her heart began to settle. “Where?”
“Our home.”
Just like that, her heart picked up speed. She smiled, then dropped her head on his shoulder.
“Let me take care of you tonight.”
“I can tell you right now that has been accomplished.”
A gruff chuckle fled from his throat.
“Okay, then. Let me take care of you forever, and not in a take-your-independence-away-from-you type of way.”
This time Vanessa chuckled.
“More of an I’m-your-man-and-you’re-my-queen-who-deserves-to-be-served-up properly. For the rest of your life.”
Her pulse jacked.
“Damn you,” she whispered, “You make it hard to change my mind.”
He pulled her eyes to his gaze with a lift of her chin.
“Do you want to change your mind, Vanessa?”
She eyed the wariness in his gaze, hearing the apprehension in his voice.
“No. Not even close.”
A smile spread across his sexy lips.
“Yes. I’ll come home with you.”
His mouth pushed into hers. Consuming her again, he sucked the wind from her exhale.