Chapter Four
“Ihave been watching the stock in your company go up each quarter, and I must say, I am impressed, Mrs. Monroe.”
“Ms.,” Vanessa corrected.
“Oh, yes, I hadn’t gotten a chance to find out if you were married or not. I just assumed you were.”
Vanessa’s smile was more of a tight-lipped stretch. She had a feeling she knew where this was going as she stared down at the caucasian short, petite senior woman and asked, “What would make you think that?”
“Oh, I don’t know, I guess because the company is so successful and it’s fairly new. Back in my day, it took more than one person to build up success so quickly, you know. A husband and wife, perhaps.”
Mrs. Capone’s gray strands shimmered off her diamond teardrop earrings, and her pearly-white full smile showcased a plate of perfectly aligned dentures.
“I see. Well, let me give you a little history lesson. Monroe Credit Union was founded in 2009. As a black-owned company servicing the rural areas that are often forgotten about, its popularity grew quickly. That’s because the kind-hearted people, who were tired of having to travel miles to their nearest financial institution, spread the word. Within our first fiscal year, four more branches were opened in metropolitan areas as well.”
Mrs. Capone’s brows rose.
“Since then, the stock has not only been in the green regularly, but Monroe Credit Union has just opened its twenty-ninth branch in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. We’re on the brink of opening the thirtieth location, and for that, I’ll be hosting a celebration.” Vanessa took her eyes around the gathering. “Similar to this one,” she leaned in, then whispered, “but with a bit more pizzazz.”
Mrs. Capone’s smile widened. “You have done excellent for yourself, dear. I’m sure your parents are very proud.”
“As they keep telling me.”
The two laughed.
“Well, I’d be happy to offer my sponsorship. I’ve already had my legal assistant send you a proposal. You’ll find it in your email. When you get a modest minute, go over it and let me know how we should proceed. Here is my direct number.”
Mrs. Capone offered Vanessa a business card. “And I’ll be looking out for your call sometime soon.”
“Thank you for your interest. I’ll be in touch.”
They nodded, and Vanessa sauntered off, checking her watch, knowing the time was delving into the late-night hour.
Are you really going to do this, Vanessa?
Her eyes landed on men and women dressed to the nines. Some gathered close together with sly whispers while others spoke boastfully about their companies. None of them held her attention but the path that led to the balcony where the possibility of her future waited, did.
A line of sconces placed on both sides of the decorated hallway at the end of the corridor marked her steps as she put one foot in front of the other.
Around her, the voices of the attendees decreased as she sauntered further away from the main party. But before disappearing completely, Vanessa caught a figure out of the corner of her eye and turning her head slightly, locked eyes with Drea, who was side by side in amusing conversation with Shawn Blakely.
A smirk etched at the corner of Vanessa’s lips.
Drea nodded, and Vanessa reciprocated the gesture.
It was only her and the shadow of lights bouncing off the walls now. Excitement, along with a little bit of fear, settled behind her heart.
What was she doing, anyway? Had she become so desperate that she would entertain Mr. Davenport? Was this a cry for help? Could she be out of her mind?
You only live once; maybe this was her letting down her inhibitions, and deciding to go for it all.
At the door to the balcony, Vanessa reached for the knob. She lightly touched the metal while she worked to steady her fast-beating pulse.
Without another thought of hesitation, she gripped the handle, turned, and pushed through the doors. A breeze covered the entirety of her as she sailed through on determined, confident legs. The dark skies littered with a trail of stars welcomed her. But, as lovely as the firmament was, it was the man dripped in dark robust maplewood-toned skin, threaded with muscles designed like Appalachian mountains, that was the centerpiece of the panorama.
Vanessa’s heart jigged as their eyes met, and the desire that filled his midnight gaze added to the warmth streamlining into her panties.
“You came,” his deep voice drummed. He exhaled. “I thought for a second—”