Drea pressed her lips tight, and Vanessa chuckled.
“You won’t get in trouble for fraternizing with each other.”
“Are you sure? Because it’s in our hiring papers that no sexual relationships can be had at work.”
“Are you two sexual?”
Vanessa’s eyes widened. “My, I have missed a lot.”
“I’m just saying,” Drea rushed to add, “In the likelihood that we did become a thing, or have a thing for each other or be considering a thing…sex would definitely be our thing.”
Vanessa laughed and shook her head. “You’re really something; you know that, Drea?”
“I do.” Drea smiled. “But, anyway, if you say it’s all right for us to work together and love together, then I am no longer waiting for him to ask me out.”
“You’re going to ask him?”
“Hell, yeah.” Drea planted her hands on her bodacious hips. “He’s fine, and employed, and has good mannerisms. Why wouldn’t I want to go out with him?”
“You know his work face. Get to know his after-work demeanor and let me know if you still want to go out with him.”
“How would I do that unless I ask him out on a date first?”
“Okay.” Vanessa raised her hands to chest-level to stop Drea in her tracks. “Shawn is here tonight, right?”
A smile inched up Drea’s mouth. “He is.”
“Then, this is your window of opportunity. While I’m headed to fill Mr. Davenport out, you go and fill Mr. Blakely out. And remember, we are still at a business event, so he will have his professional face on, but have a little personal conversation with him, and you’ll quickly learn what type of guy he really is by what comes out of his mouth.”
Drea nodded, then moved to stand in the mirror and check herself out. In a crème blouse, pinstripe suit skirt, nude pantyhose, and three-inch heels, Drea’s look was still just as professional yet sexy as it had been when she’d left the house. Admittedly, she’d dressed thinking about getting Shawn Blakely’s attention, but now that she would get in front of him face-to-face, she was glad that she’d primped herself to the best of her ability.
“It’s a deal. And oh, before you run off with Mr. Davenport, make sure to stop by and talk to Mrs. Capone. I think she wants to become a sponsor, and we can always use another one of those.”
Vanessa nodded. “I’m on it.”
Vanessa turned to the mirror and took an eye over her smooth foundation, shoulder-length hair, and red dress. Rubbing her lips together to even the lipstick, she winked at herself, then chuckled, knowing this was silly but wondering how Jeremiah would feel when he knew what she was up to next.
“Let’s go.”