Jordan glanced up and shouted, “Waiter, we’ve decided to eat somewhere else.”
Selena gasped and tugged Jordan’s hand from the air. “No, I was just kidding,” she said.
Jordan peered at her.
“I’m serious,” Selena insisted, “I only said that to mess with you.”
She held an upright smile on the edge of a guffaw. Jordan tossed another look at the server. “We’re staying,” he said.
Selena slapped a hand over her mouth and laughed. “What is wrong with you, man?”
“There’s nothing wrong with me. I just don’t care to do anything with you that you’ve done with someone else. Isn’t that what you said back at Maggie’s?”
Selena pursed her lips and nodded. “Okay, you got me,” she said.
“I better,” his profound warning implied.
Selena smiled and glanced down at the menu. “So, what do you recommend?”
A silhouette swooped over them and with it a seductive voice. “I don’t mean to interrupt, but can I have a word with Jordan?”
Both Jordan and Selena glanced toward the person who raided their space. In the flesh, Madison Santari stood, lingering closer to Jordan than Selena cared to admit. Her tall, lean frame was mildly shaped like that of a runway model, and the body-hugging dress she wore was made by some expensive designer, Selena was sure of it. Selena didn’t want to look the woman over, but she couldn’t help but take in the entire personality that she’d been secretly competing with over the last couple of weeks. Madison was staring at Jordan like he was the love of her life; eyes low, mouth puckered, with a wicked lean into her hip.
Blinking out of her state of reverie, Madison glanced over at Selena. “You don’t mind, do you?”
“I’m sure whatever you need to say can wait,” Jordan said.
Madison poked her thin lips out. “It will only take a second I promise.” She clasped her hands together, and suddenly, Selena had no appetite at all.
Don’t even trip, Selena. Take a page out of Octavia’s book. Be nice.
Even as the thoughts moved throughout her, Selena was ready to tell Madison to take a hike.
“Sounds like it’s an emergency,” Selena said.
“For sure,” Madison agreed. “I’d never interrupt otherwise, but considering Jordan here hasn’t been returning my phone calls, I had no choice but to ambush him.”
Madison laughed a soft fluttering sound that made Selena want to throw up. What type of laugh was that anyway? A grown woman should never sound like that. Selena couldn’t help but feel vindicated that Jordan hadn’t been taking Madison’s calls. It made her pulse calm, and the territorial vibe she felt lessened.
“I’ll tell you what, I need to go to the ladies’ room.”
“Selena,” Jordan started.
“What is it, baby?” Selena reached out and touched his chin. “What do you want from Selena,” she crooned, repeating what he’d said in the elevator.
Jordan shut his mesmerizing eyes and laughed an easy hearty groove. When his lashes fluttered back open, Jordan shook his head.
“Girl, what am I going to do with you?”
“Anything you want,” she purred, standing.
The dangerous look in Jordan’s eyes let Selena know she’d hit her intended mark. The annoyed look in Madison’s confirmed it.
“I’ll be back…” Selena sang, twisting her hips as she sashayed to the ladies’ room.