Phoebe moved out of the staff’s way, and Eden joined her as they all watched them check Samiyah before removing her. With a joint effort, the staff lifted Samiyah onto the bed and surrounded the moving platform as they rolled her back inside followed by Selena, Phoebe, and Eden. The ladies jogged just as fast as the medical staff with the trail of Phoebe’s gown swishing across the floor. When they made it to the delivery ward, the staff entered a room, and a nurse stopped the group as she turned to them.

“I’m Nurse Staples,” she said, “I’ll be on your friend’s team to help her deliver this baby. What’s your friend’s name?”

“Samiyah Rose!” Phoebe shouted.

The nurse’s brows bunch suddenly. “Hmmm, that name sounds familiar.”

Eden let out a laden breath. They didn’t have time to talk about why the nurse probably knew Samiyah’s name. She would find out later that Samiyah was married to a celebrity boxer when Jonas came flying through the hospital.

“Anyway,” the nurse said. “We’ll take good care of her. If you’d like, only one of you can come in. Usually that’s the father.”

“Well, he’s not here, so I’ll stand in for him until he gets here,” Phoebe interjected.

“Ma’am!” a heavy voice behind them pulled their attention as all four pairs of eyes turned to the two police officers trotting toward them.

“Yes, sir?” The nurse questioned.

The officers glanced at Phoebe. “Are you Phoebe Alexandria Rose?”

Selena and Eden frowned as Phoebe answered, “Yes.”

“I’m afraid you’ll have to come with us.”

“For what?” The three girls said in tune.

“Theft,” the other officer said matter of factly.

“Bullshit,” Selena hissed.

“I’ve never stolen a thing in my life!” Phoebe said.

“Yeah, and this is harassment. Do you know who our father is? He’ll have your badge,” Eden snapped her fingers, “within seconds for mistaking us for thieves.”

The second officer glanced at Eden, and his eyes leered at her in thought. Just then he turned and sent the back of his hand flying against his partner’s shoulder. “They’re the Rose triplets,” he said, smiling, suddenly star struck.

The first officer also smiled as recognition set in. The second officer held out his hand to Phoebe. “Congratulations on your nuptials.”

Phoebe hesitated before shaking the officer’s hand.

“Thank you,” she said.

“Unfortunately, we still have to take you in.”

The girls all looked aghast, and Eden sank her hands into her hips.

“I’m sorry I have to go,” the nurse said. “I’ll return in a minute.” She left their sides to trail into the delivery room.

“Did you pay for the dress, ma’am,” the first officer asked.

Phoebe’s cheeks reddened as it dawned on her that she hadn’t officially purchased the gown.

“Oh, for heaven’s sake,” Selena spat. “Do you really think she’s going to steal this dress!? Our friend just went into labor, we were at the bridal shop, the owner knows we left in a hurry to get her to the hospital. Phoebe doesn’t need to steal this damn dress. She could buy this whole city if she wanted to!”

Eden puckered her lips and nodded, agreeing with Selena’s retort.

“I don’t doubt it,” the first officer said, “but again, we still have to take you in because the owner called us. We’re sorry, ladies. I’m sure you can have her out before she’s officially booked.”

The first officer reached to grab Phoebe’s arms, twisting them behind her back.