The suggestion caused a rippling heat to scour down her neck. Selena closed her eyes for a second then inhaled and exhaled a steady breath. Suddenly, she was excited by the idea that Jordan was going to rock her boat on top of this bed. She was going to do the same. A moment past when Selena realized she was no longer interested in food. She turned around to him and slipped her arms around his neck.

“Why don’t you help me get on top… counselor…” she smiled seductively.

A deliberate voracious smile eased onto Jordan’s lips, and he reached down, cupping his hands right below the creases in her bottom as he lifted Selena, dragging her against the hard wall of his chest. Taking a step forward, Jordan sat her buttocks on the mattress, and the stirring caused Selena to moan. The mixture of firm and softness of the mattress was surprising. With the tip of her finger, Selena reached out to touch underneath Jordan’s strong jawline. Her fingers moved down the column of his throat, and he shuddered. Then, his eyes darkened.

A phone rang in the distance at the same time the doorbell sounded.

“Room service,” Jordan growled, leaning into Selena for a sealed kiss. At the moment, the only room service either of them wanted to have was each other. Their mouths sank as their lips pushed against one another, tasting the details of their orifices. A blubbering wave of tonic swept through them both, and they liquefied into each other. Jordan braced his palms on both sides of Selena; his big hands sinking into the mattress as he ate up her mouth. Selena’s hand fiddled for his shirt, pulling it in almost a gripping yank to relive him of it.

The doorbell rang a second time, and so did the phone.

They’d all go away in a minute, Selena presumed. Had she said that out loud? She paused a second, but when Jordan didn’t react to it, she breathed even, assuming it was just a mere thought. Much to his chagrin, Jordan eased back and ran another wicked eye over Selena sitting ripe for the taking in his bed. He planted his hands on his waist and struggled with answering the ringing doorbell and phone or saying fuck it and letting everyone linger. A deep breath escaped him.

“Don’t move,” he said.

“I hadn’t planned to.” Selena batted her long eyelashes, and Jordan had to coach himself away from her to answer the door. As he disappeared out of the room, Selena removed her heels and fishnet stockings. She took a hand through her hair and finger-combed her tresses. When she went to remove her dress, Selena paused. Would it absolutely make her look thirsty if she got down to the bare minimum?

She thought about it a moment more when she heard Jordan’s deep voice trailing down the hallway. He was talking to someone. It sounded serious, his voice professional. Oh no. When he re-entered the room, the look on his face said everything.

Selena folded her arms. “Let me guess,” she said, “there’s a fire that no one can put out but you. Am I right?”

Jordan blew out a harsh breath, and Selena fell back with her hands splayed above her head. It was no wonder Jordan was single. He never had a moment to really enjoy life. Before she could complain, he was upon her. His palms slipped up her bare legs, sending a riveting thrill of pleasure coursing through her pussy.

“If you get your hands any closer, I can’t guarantee she won’t bite,” Selena said. The wicked admonition made Jordan groan. “It’s okay,” she tried convincing herself. “I need to get to work tomorrow anyway, and I don’t have clothes with me here, so,” she sat up, “if you can drop me off on the way to wherever you’re going, that would be fine.”


Selena arched her brow. “Excuse me?”

“You’re not going home. You’re staying here. I’ll be right back.” He turned and strolled out of the room then stepped back inside. “There’s food in the dining area. Ceviche-styled Shrimp Tostadas, with a little avocado and mango salsa. Enjoy as many as you like. I won’t take long.”

Jordan disappeared again, without giving Selena a moment to protest.