“Oh!” Selena squealed, clutching his jacket to keep from falling.
“I’ve got you,” his easy voice grooved. Jordan placed a kiss on her forehead, then her nose, then her lips.
Selena held a dreamy eye on him. In a breathy whisper, she asked, “How did you even know he was coming?”
Jordan’s grin was debonair. “I have 360-degree periphery, love, and it’s tenfold when I’m around you.”
Selena shivered, causing Jordan to pull her even closer.
“Would you like my jacket?” He asked.
“Oh, no.” Selena smiled and dropped her head, trying to shake her thoughts. “I’m not cold. Quite the opposite actually.” She pulled away from him just as Jordan’s gaze fell. As if he couldn’t stand to be disconnected from Selena’s touch, he reached for her again, this time, moving a bit faster along the ice. A whimsical smile covered Selena’s face, and her pecan brown eyes lit up. Picking up her pace to match his, Selena skated out, and Jordan twirled her back in without breaking their strides.
“I like it when you’re right here,” he said. “Tucked up under me.”
Selena blushed, and her heart pitter-pattered in her chest.
For the first time, Selena seemed stumped. Her emotions were on overdrive, and she didn’t know what to make of it. Sure, she’d always said she desired to be with Jordan, but the authenticity of their relationship now was so real it scared her. Could Jordan really be her guy? The one she’d waited her whole life for? She sighed and glanced out over the ice. Others around them skated in their own worlds; some holding hands and some skating with children.
“Happy Valentine’s Day,” Jordan’s smooth voice grooved.
Selena glanced back to him, an elated smile already on her face. In his hand he held a maroon box with a gold bow on top. Selena’s eyes widened, and in the curve of the ice ribbon rink, they sailed to an easy stop.
“Jordan,” Selena’s surprised tone said it all. She wasn’t expecting a gift. Their relationship was new, and she hadn’t gotten him a thing. “You didn’t have to get me anything,” she said as she proceeded to take the box off his hands.
Jordan chuckled and pulled her in. Other skaters sailed around them. Some looking over at them awkwardly, and others paying them no mind.
“I don’t think we’re supposed to stop moving,” Selena said.
“I think we’ll be all right,” he said. Jordan turned Selena toward the ice, locking his arms around her. He pushed off and they coasted as Selena opened her gift. Inside, she flipped back red and pink paper to reveal a journal, and not just any journal: the one she’d carefully wove together in her college years. The journal she’d thought was damaged beyond repair. Her book of poems in pristine condition. Instantly, her movements stopped on a gasp as she twirled around to meet Jordan’s loving stare.
“How did you— where… why?”
Selena’s eyes misted over, and heartfelt tears threatened to spill from the corners.
“I know how much your book meant to you, and I wanted you to have it as you remembered it.” Jordan took a soothing hand down her face then back up to wipe the tear that spilled. “I hope you don’t mind. The very night you told me about it, I searched out the school article and found your words. With a little TLC to the cover, I was able to give you some semblance of the journal you remembered. And…” he kissed her, “your words are beautiful.”
More tears slipped down Selena’s face. The wind around them took a sharp turn, flipping her hair into a current. Selena clutched the journal to her chest, bewildered in a complete tailspin of emotions. Moving her feet, she sailed into him diving her head into his chest. Jordan covered her, and Selena rested there as more tears dampened his shirt.
“Did I do a good thing?” Jordan asked. He wasn’t so sure, but he hoped for the best.
Selena turned her face up to look at him. “Jordan,” she paused and tried to gain her bearings, “you did a great thing. This means more than you’ll ever know.”
He kissed her forehead then exhaled, and Selena relaxed in his arms. They stood there in complete silence for a long stretch before Selena pulled back.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t get you anything.”
“Keep it moving,” someone passing by said.
Joining their hands back together, Jordan skated off with Selena at his side.
“Don’t worry,” he said, “I’m sure we can think of something later.”
The naughty retort turned Selena into mush as a surplus of heat consumed her.
“Handcuffs?” she asked, wondering if Jordan were talking about his earlier comment.
He winked and tucked her underneath him; watching one another as they sailed down the stretch of ice.