Chapter Fourteen
“I didn’t know it was possible for this elevator to go higher.”
When the metal doors opened, sailing currents of wind wrapped around Jordan and Selena. They were rooftop, and Selena’s eyes bulged when Jordan held out his hand and pulled her along the way.
“Are you kidding me?!” she screeched, taking a sweeping eye over the large Airbus H155 aircraft in front of her. It sat in its own space, outlined by the reference of a helicopter pad.
“There’s a place I have in mind that I think you would love.”
Selena gawked at him. “In this thing!?”
Jordan chuckled. “Yeah.”
“Oh my— Jordan…” she turned to him and clutched the collar of his long woolen trench coat, stuffing her face in his chest.
Jordan’s warm hands slipped along Selena’s neck and lifted her face to his.
“Let’s get inside to keep you warm,” his deep voice grooved.
“Who – Who’s flying this thing?” she stuttered.
“Once we’re inside, I’ll give you all the specifics.”
Still gawking, Selena trailed alongside Jordan as he led her to the chopper. He opened the door and helped Selena up on the seat then swiftly made his way to the pilot’s chair.
At the alarm on Selena’s face, Jordan smirked. “Oh, baby, you’re scared,” he said. “Okay, let me give you a little history on this beauty. When Julian and I were in high school, we had a thing for airplanes. Not only did we both want to be pilots, but we took lessons that lasted our senior year. Flying an airplane is a little different than flying a helicopter, but the course available at the time had a simulation for piloting one of these beauties. If we wanted to truly fly, we had to enroll in a course and pass it along with our regular studies. And,” Jordan wiggled his brows and launched the system. “We did. Of course, I don’t fly often. I take her for a spin about three, four times out of the year.”
Selena could feel the aircraft vibrate as the blades above spun faster.
“So now, here we are. You don’t think I’d put you in harm’s way, do you?”
Selena knew the answer to that, but still her heart clutched in her chest, and she reached for his hand. Jordan weaved their fingers together and lifted her delicate hand to place a kiss on the back.
“Just in case, rest assured, let me show you something.”
He reached below and hit a button that in turn opened a compartment. Reaching in, Jordan pulled out his pilot’s license and handed it over to Selena.
“I imagine this is the perfect way to woo a lady,” Selena said as she reached back to put her seatbelt on.
“Maybe,” Jordan responded. “You’ll let me know since you’re the first, yeah?”
A delicious thrill slipped over Selena in a wave of chills. She blushed and watched as Jordan did his thing. When the aircraft lifted, Selena covered her chest with a hand. Her heart stammered just the same as her pulse quickened.
“If it makes you feel any better, there’s a helmet to your left.”
Selena glanced down at the helmet. “Where’s yours?”
Jordan motioned to his right.
“Well, I’m not wearing mine if you’re not wearing yours.”
Jordan’s gaze dropped. “A bit of a daredevil, don’t you think?”
Selena opened her mouth and paused then decided to proceed with her thought. “I trust you.”
Jordan bit down on his lip and smoothly maneuvered the Airbus H155. A smile dashed across Selena’s face at his relaxing poise. Damn, he was sexy, she thought, and not just because of his physical appearance. A man of so many talents could only belong to Selena in a dream.
“You know the view outside is better,” Jordan said.