Selena whined. “I don’t know, I’m beginning to believe happily ever after’s are for movies, books, and suckers.”
Octavia frowned. “So you think my relationship is a sham?”
Selena peered at her friend. “Must you make this about you?”
Octavia exhaled. “I’m just saying, Selena.” Octavia paused before continuing, letting her thoughts roam a minute. “This is about your parents, isn’t it?”
When Selena didn’t respond, Octavia sighed and poked her lip out. She could sympathize with Selena, but now was not the time for her to become all undecided about love.
“Why don’t you talk to your parents, together?”
Selena switched gears so quick it was as if the topic had never come up.
“Jordan wants me to go to an awards luncheon with him.”
Octavia’s brows rose.
“Sure does, it’s the reason he bought me the shoes you saw and that beautiful dress over there to wear.”
Octavia stepped out of the bathroom and took her eyes across the room. When Selena heard her squeal, Selena chuckled. She was just happy the topic had changed.
Octavia reentered the bathroom. “When is it?”
“I’m not sure. I’ll ask when he gets back.”
Octavia held up her hand and high-fived Selena. “You go, girl, I’m not mad at you.”
When the front door opened, Octavia’s eyes lurched. “Oh my God, I’m all in you guys’ personal space. I’m out of here. Besides, hubby is waiting for me at home.”
Octavia turned and fled before Selena could wish her well, leaving Selena to wonder if she’d ever had a husband waiting for her at home.