Chapter Eleven
When Jordan returned, the first thing he noticed was the silence. He skimmed an eye around the place and strolled into the dining area. There were no signs of Selena, but there was evidence that she’d eaten some of the food Charley prepared since the buffet tray top sat crooked, and a glass of water was perched next to it. Jordan smirked. In all the years he lived in the penthouse, Jordan never saw anything wrong with being superbly tidy. But in the small time Selena was there, seeing signs of her company in his place softened Jordan’s heart and made the residence feel more like home.
Leaving the area, Jordan removed his sweater and at the same time his long legs stretched the length of the hallway, carrying him into the bedroom. Upon entry, Jordan was met with more little signs of Selena’s presence. The dress she wore lay on the floor as he passed the sofa sitting in the lounge. It made him instantly hard to think Selena was no longer in it. His steps increased as he moved quietly through the room to enter the quarters of his bedroom. It was dark, as if she’d turned out the lights to hide from him. The closer he got to the bed, the more Selena came into view.
As Jordan stepped in front of her, a heartfelt smile trekked along his face, and his blood thawed from head to toe. There she was, lying comfortably in his bed sleeping soundly, wearing only his shirt; a button down, he wore with one of his tailored suits. It swallowed Selena’s small frame and brown skin. Her thick thighs spread from just beneath it as the shirt tapered off midway. A rummaging fluttered in his chest like a raging storm. She had been in his closet, possibly playing around in his clothes. Selena was just that type; playful, silly, full of life. Jordan had first noticed it when his family got together over the summer last year for fellowship and a hearty game of football. The men had grounded it out, playing dirty in the grass before the women decided to turn up the heat.
It spun into a fun game of flag football followed by a bonfire and his brother Josiah’s proposal or fake proposal to his new wife Santana. Jordan watched Selena the entire time. And she hadn’t missed it since she was watching him, too. The way she played and laughed stirred him. Nothing seemed to bother her, as if she was on a natural flow with life. Her attitude was refreshing and very different from what he was used to. Watching her now, Jordan imagined Selena twirling through his walk-in closet, trailing her soft fingers against the linens hanging on the racks. He wondered if she’d tried on his shoes, and the thought made him smile harder and almost laugh out loud when he glanced down and noticed a pair of his Tom Ford Austin Cap-Toe Oxford shoes sitting at the edge of the bed.
Jordan knew Selena would make a great mother. His kids would be the happiest, fun-filled children in the world.
Easy... Jordan tried to pause his thoughts, but they continued, showing him a collage of depictions. Selena, twin boys, a little girl, the playground, Disney World, fun in the snow during the winter season. The images rocked him as they never ended, and he saw her in the kitchen cooking their favorite dish while they sat there banging against the table, demanding she hurry so they could get their hands on her delicious food. Where had she been all his life, he wondered.
Jordan slipped a hand down his face and exhaled. Maybe he was losing his mind. He hadn’t known Selena but a few months, and they’d been dating a portion of that time. Thoughts of loving her forever were ridiculous and too soon. Then his mind ventured to the poem he’d spoken. Unbeknownst to everyone in the room, it was a freestyle. He hadn’t written it down. But watching Selena, the words spilled from his heart, and they had been more than perfect for the occasion.
Jordan left the side of the bed and strolled into the bathroom for a quick shower. Inside were more indications of Selena. There was a towel on the floor and panties by the sink. Fuck. Jordan’s libido kicked into overdrive. She’d taken a shower. Usually, having any little thing out of order made Jordan clean up immediately, but the displacement of things made him understand the totality of Selena’s earlier argument. She was leaving her mark everywhere, and Jordan loved it a bit more than he probably should. He grabbed her underwear and turned the thin material between his fingers. It was almost as if she’d left them for him; gloating, so he knew she was marking her territory. Jordan pulled his bottom lip in with his teeth an attempted to calm his dick that now pushed against the jeans he wore.
With her panties still in hand, Jordan strolled to the shower and turned it on. He fumbled with her garment a little longer and thought about taking her right then and there before snapping out of his risqué thoughts. Selena had work tomorrow, and it was Valentine’s Day. There was nothing he’d rather be doing than spending time with her. So, even though Rose and Garnett were in the middle of a big case, Jordan set his day where he should not be bothered. He was a man who liked to oversee everything. After all, it was his name on the business. But there were more than enough lawyers, partners, and associates to handle a day’s worth of work. For that reason, he would take the day off and make sure he and Selena could spend some quiet time together. Jordan had plans to go so far as to turn off his work cell, which he never did.
As he continued to dwell on tomorrow, Jordan removed his jeans, shoes and socks and stepped into the shower. Tomorrow couldn’t come fast enough.
When Selena woke up comforted by warm, masculine arms, her mind shuffled as last night’s memories danced through her mind. She smiled and bit her bottom lip. A heavy heated body lay firmly against her back and biceps, toned and brown tightened around her. A flavorful fragrance wafted from him making her want to snuggle deeper into his embrace. Moving her head back slightly, Selena glanced at the time on the nightstand. The clock held bright red numbers indicating it was early morning. Four a.m. She had to be at work at eight, but there was no place Selena would rather be than in her current situation. Stretching like that of a feline, Selena arched her back, pulling her arms overhead as she yawned.
This was a first. Never had she spent a night at a man’s house just for the sake of kicking off her shoes and relaxing her feet. But it was pleasantly cozy and appealing. Selena could get used to this as well as the luxury pad she swore no one lived in. Bending back to her former state, Selena sighed and spooned under Jordan. His lips sat against her ear; his breathing a soft wave like a sound spa machine that threatened to put her back to sleep. The rigid circumference of his prodding length fought against the boxer briefs Jordan wore. Selena tried to ignore it, but that monster wasn’t one to be overlooked, pressing against her ass, frantic for release.
Honestly, it didn’t surprise her that Jordan didn’t take advantage. He was a gentleman after all. Selena knew that without a shadow of a doubt. Still, it couldn’t have been easy for him to crawl into bed and spoon her knowing she lay underneath his shirt without any panties on. Surely, he’d gotten her little gift left by the sink in the bathroom. Selena turned around to face him. Jordan was the sexiest man she’d ever bore witness to. His skin tone was milk chocolate, not too light, not too dark; just perfect for a sweet tooth. His groomed beard fit his face like it was meant to be there, and the hard planes in his features edged around his surface as if a professional potter had molded him to excellence.
Aroused, Selena’s hand drifted down the pecs in his hard chest and slipped inside his boxer briefs. Waiting for Jordan to make the first move was taking an eternity, and right now, all Selena wanted was him. Jordan shuffled lightly as Selena pulled out his dick, and her movements paused as she took in the enormity of his girth. Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. Her mind skipped. Breathe, Selena. She exhaled a longwinded breath. Okay, so she had underestimated what type of task this would be. Still, she licked her lips, hungry for him to be inside her.
If I die this morning, it will be a beautiful death, she thought.
Her hand slid up and down his shaft, making him harder. Selena’s mouth fell. How much grander could he get? It was the first time in her life she thought to call for backup. But there was no reinforcement. It was just her and him, and Selena had started this game, so she intended to finish it. Staring at the swollen length of his manhood, Selena proceeded to stroke him. When she glanced back into his eyes, the dark brim of his stare ricocheted back at her.
A simple smile peppered her lips. “Good morning,” her sultry voice droned.
Jordan licked his lips. “Great morning.”
Selena’s lashes fluttered as she gazed back, going to war with a battle in her heart.
“What do you think you’re doing, little lady,” he asked.
She bit down on the corner of her lips. “I found a toy, and I wanted to see how it worked.”
Jordan chuckled. “Is that right?”
“Yeah. It’s too big to fit in my hand, but I’m thinking I may get it to fit somewhere else.”
Jordan’s dark gaze magnified, making Selena’s skin incinerate. Her hand never stopped stroking him, and a stricken groan left his throat.
“Do you know what you’ve started?”
“No, but I’m willing to do whatever needs to be done to end it.”
Gradually, Selena slipped to her knees and removed his shirt she wore in one smooth swoop. Jordan rolled to his back and sat up on his elbows, watching her glide in the dimness of the dark room. The only light was a small shadow of the moon washing across the carpet. In Jordan’s eyesight, Selena’s silhouette put a coke bottle to shame. It rounded her shoulders and slipped down her side only to coast over a spread of her thighs.
Jordan moved, swiftly pulling a condom from behind the pillow he lay on.