“Yes, ma’am.”
Selena walked the tips of her fingers across the books as she eyed each one to see what Jordan had been reading. Among them were a few classics. I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou. The Autobiography of Malcolm X. Dreams from My Father by Barak Obama. Devil in A Blue Dress by Walter Moseley.
Selena strolled, continuing to eye the books as Jordan watched her. Feeling his eyes following her movements sent a tingling up her spine and instantly Selena warmed. She unbuttoned the jacket and pulled out of it just as Jordan approached to help.
“Thank you,” Selena said, shrugging out of the thick coat.
“Anytime, love.”
His voice was so close to her ear Selena squirmed from his proximity.
“Are you hungry?”
Now that he mentioned it, Selena was a little hungry, but her appetite for him was a bit more edacious.
“What do you have?”
“Whatever you want.”
Selena turned to him then, taking her eyes away from the books.
“Whatever I want?” she said with a raised brow. “Are you telling me that your chef will cook at whatever time you call?”
Jordan seemed amused.
“It’s not that late.” He glanced at his Rolex. “A little after ten.”
Just then, Selena’s stomach growled, making Jordan chuckle.
“See all this talking about food has my stomach reacting to the possibility of a home-cooked meal. And eating this late is sure to put some extra weight on my thighs.”
Jordan ran a wicked eye over Selena, making sure to touch her with his all-pervading gaze. “Trust me, Selena,” he moved forward and slipped his arms around her waist, “nothing about what you just said makes me want to deny you food. Tell me exactly what you desire, and it will be yours.”
Selena swallowed down an involuntary quiver. If this man didn’t stop, she would take him up on everything he had to offer. Selena was not the coy type of girl.
“I have no idea, surprise me,” she said.
“Okay, so you don’t like green peppers, onions, or fish,” he said, remembering a conversation they had over the phone.
Selena smiled, delighted that Jordan recalled that exchange. It seemed like one of the smallest things to consider, but it warmed her inside all the same. “Awe, you listened to me.”
Jordan paused. “You didn’t think I did?”
Selena laughed. “Sometimes the details are easily forgettable.”
“Not when you’re interested in what the speaker has to say,” he quipped. They smiled at each other.
“Well, yeah, you are a good listener.”
He kissed the side of her temple then pulled back, moving swiftly across the room. At his desk, he lifted the phone and punched a three-number combo then waited.
“Hey, Charley, are you busy?”
He listened to his personal chef’s response.
“Starved,” he said, keeping a fierce eye trained on Selena.
She squirmed under his vulturine gaze and wondered if Jordan meant her when he referenced starvation.