“Silly girl,” he said, reaching around Selena to shelter her with the seat belt. Jordan exited the parking lot, and he and Jonathon blew their horns as they passed each other going in opposite directions.

“I didn’t know you were into poetry. What else don’t I know about you?” Selena asked.

Jordan cracked a smile. “I have a foot fetish,” he said.

This intrigued Selena for sure.

“Now that’s something a girl should absolutely know.”

Jordan chuckled. “How should I have come out and said it?”

After Selena pondered on it, she said, “You’re right, that would’ve been a little crazy to say, I love feet.”

Jordan laughed heartily again while simultaneously nodding.

“Right…” he drawled.

“So that means I get to see your feet then?”

Jordan quirked a brow up at her. “How’s that?”

“Anyone who has a foot fetish must have spectacular toes.”

Jordan guffawed again. “I guess I’ll let you be the judge of that.”

Selena nodded. “Mmhmm. We’ve got something in common, Mr. Rose.”

Jordan perked. “Yeah, what’s that. You like toes, too?”

“Not exactly. I have a shoe fetish. That runs a close second, doesn’t it?”

Jordan guffawed again and slipped his hand in her lap to massage her thigh as he chuckled. The warmth from his heated palm sent a blaze of energy coursing down her lap straight to the sensitive flesh between her thighs. Selena squeezed her legs tight, and her nipples tingled.

The couple made it across town in no time as Jordan’s Porsche Panamera pushed past the speed limits.

“Careful, counselor,” Selena crooned. “If you don’t slow down, you might get a ticket.”

Jordan pulled his bottom lip with his teeth. “That would be despicable,” he joked. “Could you see the outrage? ‘Celebrity Attorney, Jordan Alexander Rose was pulled over for a speeding ticket late last night. He was apparently leaving a club where he’d drank booze and dragged a woman to his home while inebriated’.”

Selena laughed, and Jordan winked.

“That’s how they sound, right?” he asked.

“Man, oh man, you’re so spot on. My mother called me today at work. She almost died that the newspaper called us police vigilantes.” Selena shook her head. “Who comes up with this stuff? Do they even know what a vigilante is?”

“Apparently not,” Jordan’s voice grew serious. “Don’t worry about that, I’m handling it.” Jordan heard the solemnness in her voice when Selena spoke about her parents.

“Thank you,” Selena said. “I hope it’s not too much trouble. My mother was all ready to sue everyone in Chicago for running those stories.”

“Smart woman,” Jordan countered. “How is she?”

Selena sighed. “She said my father is staying at the Ritz Carlton.” Selena’s somber expression deepened. “He showed up minutes after I spoke with her, and we got into it.”

Jordan reached out, taking a soothing hand up and down her shoulder. “Baby, I’m sorry you’re going through this.”

Selena offered a tiny smile. She hadn’t missed his endearment, but the subject matter was so depressing Selena couldn’t rejoice in it.

“My father is saying the same things my mother is, and it’s driving me bananas. I don’t know how to cope. Is this normal?” She glanced over at him, and Jordan reached for her hand and entangled their fingers.