“Girl,” he said, “you trying to take advantage of me on the dance floor?”

He peered at her conspiratorially, and Selena giggled.

“Maybe,” she admitted.

A rumble trekked from Jordan. “Maybe I am, too,” he said.

Finally, giving them some attention, Selena and Jordan glanced over at Octavia and Jonathon standing next to them in a sweet cuddle of their own. Jonathon reached out, and he and Jordan slapped hands.

“That was nice, brother. Real nice.”

“I guess you’re next then, huh?” Octavia quipped.

“Yeah, let me go on up here and romance your fine ass from the stage.”

Octavia and Selena laughed while Jordan chuckled.

“Now this I’ve got to see,” Jordan said.

“Nah, I’m just playing. But I know somewhere else I can romance you,” Jonathon said.

They all laughed again.

“There’s no better time like the present,” Octavia said.

Jonathon looked at his brother. “Ayo, we’re going to get on out of here, we both have work in the morning.”

Jordan laughed. “Aye, man, you don’t have to make up anything to go spend time with your woman. We were getting ready to ditch ya’ll anyway.”

The couples laughed, and they all strolled from the dance floor to the table where the men helped the ladies put on their coats. Leisurely, Jordan tossed an arm around Selena’s shoulder as they strolled to the exit.

Outside, the wind was in an uproar, tussling and whirling around, causing the women to snuggle into their jackets. Jordan turned to Selena and swept her off her feet like a husband would carry his wife over the threshold. He ran across the street with Selena giggling and her arms draped across his neck as her lips pressed into his throat. The heat from her mouth tingled his spine and made his dick pitch.

Selena had been doing things to his body, mind, and spirit ever since he met her. Jordan considered himself lucky in the past; having no selfish relationships, and no hard break-ups. He was unlike most of his brothers and friends- the one who kept to himself, studied profusely, questioned politicians, and stood on the sidelines with his sister Jasmine when it came to equal opportunities. He had relationships here and there, but they were never serious. The women he’d dated weren’t high profile, keeping his relationships a secret from the media.

Until he met Madison Santari. It happened on a rare occasion while Jordan, Quentin, and Derek vacationed at The Hamptons in New York.

Jordan was laying on a beach towel with a shine on his bulging chocolate biceps and tight muscled abs. Sunglasses were strewn across his eyes when Madison walked up, hovering over Jordan like a ghost.

“Mr. Rose,” she crooned.

Jordan opened his eyes and looked at her from behind his shades.

“I seemed to have run out of suntan lotion. Do you mind sharing some of yours?” She motioned to the lotion sitting next to him in the sand. “I promise not to walk away with it. Matter of fact, you can apply it. That way you’re guaranteed not to lose it.”

Jordan smirked, as if it would kill him to lose a bottle of suntan lotion. He didn’t usually give in to flirtation tactics such as this, but that day he was feeling indifferent. So on a whim, Jordan offered Madison a sexy boastful smile as his eyes took in her light skin, small breasts, bare stomach, and barely-there thong. It was his damn libido that responded to her well-rounded thighs and optimistic smile.

“Why don’t you come sit right here?” he’d said, and the rest was history. That was a year ago. Since then, Madison found herself in his circle more often than ever. As if she could sense he was dating, she’d begun to call on a regular basis. Their conversations were always light, some type of charity work that needed volunteers, or a project that Jordan could be an asset too. It seemed friendly enough, which was why he continued to take her calls. But sometimes those calls came at the wrong time, like the night before when he and Selena were together. Jordan wasn’t fooled by Selena’s sudden attitude, but he wasn’t accustomed to fighting outside of the courtroom. So, without going into it, he left without another word about it.

Unlocking the door, Jordan placed Selena inside his Porsche Panamera and closed the door quickly. The wind continued to whip as he strode around the luxury vehicle to the driver side. The car rocked slightly when he closed the door, and the engine purred when Jordan turned it over. Instantly, heat sailed from the vents, and Selena snuggled into the warmed seats.

“I’ve always loved a car with heated seats,” she said.

“Your car doesn’t have heated seats?”

“Yeah if you tape a heating pad on the back and butt of the interior. But then I’d need a car charger for it to work properly.”

Jordan’s easy-grooving voice dipped into a thunderous laugh. Selena snickered and watched him chuckle at her joke. He was so easy on the eyes, and his spirit was so attractive. Selena loved the way he carried himself. Jordan reached over and caressed her chin.